1. Academic Validation
  2. Ebola virus VP35 hijacks the PKA-CREB1 pathway for replication and pathogenesis by AKIP1 association

Ebola virus VP35 hijacks the PKA-CREB1 pathway for replication and pathogenesis by AKIP1 association

  • Nat Commun. 2022 Apr 26;13(1):2256. doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-29948-4.
Lin Zhu  # 1 Ting Gao  # 1 Yi Huang  # 2 Jing Jin 3 Di Wang 3 Leike Zhang 2 Yanwen Jin 1 Ping Li 1 Yong Hu 1 Yan Wu 2 Hainan Liu 1 Qincai Dong 1 Guangfei Wang 1 Tong Zheng 1 Caiwei Song 1 Yu Bai 3 Xun Zhang 3 Yaoning Liu 3 Weihong Yang 3 Ke Xu 4 Gang Zou 5 Lei Zhao 6 Ruiyuan Cao 6 Wu Zhong 6 Xianzhu Xia 7 Gengfu Xiao 8 Xuan Liu 9 Cheng Cao 10


  • 1 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, Beijing, 100039, China.
  • 2 National Biosafety Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei, 430020, China.
  • 3 Institute of Physical Science and Information Technology, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui, 230601, China.
  • 4 State Key Laboratory of Virology, College of Life Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China.
  • 5 Insitut Pasteur of Shanghai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200031, China.
  • 6 National Engineering Research Center for the Emergency Drug, Beijing Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Beijing, 100850, China.
  • 7 Changchun Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, 130000, China.
  • 8 National Biosafety Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan, Hubei, 430020, China. xiaogf@wh.iov.cn.
  • 9 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, Beijing, 100039, China. liux931932@163.com.
  • 10 Beijing Institute of Biotechnology, Beijing, 100039, China. caoc@nic.bmi.ac.cn.
  • # Contributed equally.

Ebola virus (EBOV), one of the deadliest viruses, is the cause of fatal Ebola virus disease (EVD). The underlying mechanism of viral replication and EBOV-related hemorrhage is not fully understood. Here, we show that EBOV VP35, a cofactor of viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, binds human A kinase interacting protein (AKIP1), which consequently activates protein kinase A (PKA) and the PKA-downstream transcription factor CREB1. During EBOV Infection, CREB1 is recruited into EBOV ribonucleoprotein complexes in viral inclusion bodies (VIBs) and employed for viral replication. AKIP1 depletion or PKA-CREB1 inhibition dramatically impairs EBOV replication. Meanwhile, the transcription of several coagulation-related genes, including THBD and SERPINB2, is substantially upregulated by VP35-dependent CREB1 activation, which may contribute to EBOV-related hemorrhage. The finding that EBOV VP35 hijacks the host PKA-CREB1 signal axis for viral replication and pathogenesis provides novel potential therapeutic approaches against EVD.
