1. Academic Validation
  2. The immunotoxin targeting PRLR increases tamoxifen sensitivity and enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy in breast cancer

The immunotoxin targeting PRLR increases tamoxifen sensitivity and enhances the efficacy of chemotherapy in breast cancer

  • J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Jun 20;43(1):173. doi: 10.1186/s13046-024-03099-4.
Jiawei Zhang 1 Junjun Liu 1 Yali Yue 1 Lei Wang 1 Qunye He 1 Shuyi Xu 1 Junyan Li 1 Yunji Liao 1 Yu Chen 1 Shusheng Wang 2 Yueqing Xie 2 3 Baohong Zhang 1 Yanlin Bian 1 Dimiter S Dimitrov 4 Yunsheng Yuan 5 Jianwei Zhu 6 7 8


  • 1 Engineering Research Center of Cell & Therapeutic Antibody, MOE, School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Building 6, Room 208, 800 Dongchuan road, Shanghai, 200240, China.
  • 2 Jecho Laboratories, Inc, Frederick, MD, 21704, USA.
  • 3 Jecho Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, Tianjin, 300467, China.
  • 4 University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, 15261, USA.
  • 5 Engineering Research Center of Cell & Therapeutic Antibody, MOE, School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Building 6, Room 208, 800 Dongchuan road, Shanghai, 200240, China. Yunsheng@sjtu.edu.cn.
  • 6 Engineering Research Center of Cell & Therapeutic Antibody, MOE, School of Pharmacy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Building 6, Room 208, 800 Dongchuan road, Shanghai, 200240, China. jianweiz@sjtu.edu.cn.
  • 7 Jecho Laboratories, Inc, Frederick, MD, 21704, USA. jianweiz@sjtu.edu.cn.
  • 8 Jecho Biopharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, Tianjin, 300467, China. jianweiz@sjtu.edu.cn.

Background: Though tamoxifen achieves success in treating Estrogen Receptor α (ERα)-positive breast Cancer, the followed development of tamoxifen resistance is a common challenge in clinic. Signals downstream of Prolactin receptor (PRLR) could synergize with ERα in breast Cancer progression. However, the potential effect of targeting PRL-PRLR axis combined with tamoxifen has not been thoroughly investigated.

Methods: High-throughput RNA-seq data obtained from TCGA, Metabric and GEO datasets were analyzed to explore PRLR expression in breast Cancer cell and the association of PRLR expression with tamoxifen treatment. Exogenous or PRL overexpression cell models were employed to investigate the role of activated PRLR pathway in mediating tamoxifen insensitivity. Immunotoxin targeting PRLR (N8-PE24) was constructed with splicing-intein technique, and the efficacy of N8-PE24 against breast Cancer was evaluated using in vitro and in vivo methods, including analysis of cells growth or Apoptosis, 3D spheroids culture, and animal xenografts.

Results: PRLR pathway activated by PRL could significantly decrease sensitivity of ERα-positive breast Cancer cells to tamoxifen. Tamoxifen treatment upregulated transcription of PRLR and could induce significant accumulation of PRLR protein in breast Cancer cells by alkalizing lysosomes. Meanwhile, tamoxifen-resistant MCF7 achieved by long-term tamoxifen pressure exhibited both upregulated transcription and protein level of PRLR. Immunotoxin N8-PE24 enhanced sensitivity of breast Cancer cells to tamoxifen both in vitro and in vivo. In xenograft models, N8-PE24 significantly enhanced the efficacy of tamoxifen and paclitaxel when treating PRLR-positive triple-negative breast Cancer.

Conclusions: PRL-PRLR axis potentially associates with tamoxifen insensitivity in ERα-positive breast Cancer cells. N8-PE24 could inhibit cell growth of the breast cancers and promote drug sensitivity of PRLR-positive breast Cancer cells to tamoxifen and paclitaxel. Our study provides a new perspective for targeting PRLR to treat breast Cancer.
