1. Metabolic Enzyme/Protease Autophagy Apoptosis
  2. Proteasome Autophagy Apoptosis
  3. MG-132

MG-132  (Synonyms: Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al; MG132)

Cat. No.: HY-13259 Purity: 99.97%
Handling Instructions Technical Support

MG-132 est un inhibiteur puissant et réversible du protéasome avec un IC50 de 100 nM. MG-132 bloque efficacement l'activité protéolytique du complexe de protéasome 26S. MG-132, un peptide aldéhyde, est un activateur d'autophagie.

MG-132 (Z-Leu-leu-leu-al) ist ein potenter proteasome- und calpain-Inhibitor mit IC50s von 100 nM bzw. 1,2 μM. MG-132 blockiert wirksam die proteolytische Aktivität des 26S-Proteasomkomplexes. MG-132, ein Peptidaldehyd, ist ebenfalls ein autophagy-Aktivator.

MG-132 (Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al) is a potent proteasome and calpain inhibitor with IC50s of 100 nM and 1.2 μM, respectively. MG-132 effectively blocks the proteolytic activity of the 26S proteasome complex. MG-132, a peptide aldehyde, also is an autophagy activator. MG-132 also induces apoptosis.

For research use only. We do not sell to patients.

MG-132 Chemical Structure

MG-132 Chemical Structure

CAS No. : 133407-82-6

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This product is a controlled substance and not for sale in your territory.

Customer Review

Based on 1261 publication(s) in Google Scholar

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1232 Publications Citing Use of MCE MG-132


    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Pharmacol Res. 2023 Feb 20;189:106704.  [Abstract]

    MG132 (10 µM) significantly reduces the degradation of YTHDC1 protein mediated by Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) in HSCs.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Ethnopharmacol. 2023 Feb 13;307:116243.  [Abstract]

    Both MG-132 (10 μM) and Baf A1 (10 μM) markedly increase TGF-β1 protein expression in HG-stimulated SV40-MES-13 cells (Fig. C and D).

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Virol. 2023 Mar 6;e0198422.  [Abstract]

    MG-132 (200 nM; 24 h) significantly inhibits Newcastle disease virus (NDV) infection-caused degradation of β-catenin in DF-1 cells.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cell Rep. 2020 Aug 4;32(5):107990.  [Abstract]

    PMs are treated with MG132 (10 μM). Endogenous YAP protein accumulated in the presence of MG132 starts from 2 h and further increases at 4 and 6 h after treatment in WT macrophages.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Brain Behav Immun. 2019 Jul;79:244-255.  [Abstract]

    Effect of autolysosome inhibitor (chloroquine, CQ, 50 μM) or proteasome inhibitor (MG132, 5 μM) on KA-induced NLRP3 degradation. Cells are treated with the inhibitors for 0.5 h before KA (10 μM, 2 h) treatment.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: EMBO J. 2019 Mar 15;38(6):e100376.  [Abstract]

    Brcc3+/+ and Brcc3-/- (Abro1+/+ and Abro1-/-)BMDMs are treated with or without LPS for 1 h. Before LPS treatment, Brcc3-/- (Abro1-/-) BMDMs are pretreated with MG132 (10 μM) for 6 h to rescue the expression of ABRO1. Immunoblot analysis of NLRP3 and ABRO1 proteins in cell lysates immunoprecipitated with anti-ABRO1 antibody.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Feb 26;38(1):101.  [Abstract]

    HLF and Hep3B cells are treated with Mg132 (10 μg/ml) for 4 h, total protein is extracted and subjected to western blotting using anti-Flag, anti-p21, or anti-GAPDH antibodies.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Exp Bot. 2019 Sep 24;70(18):4749-4762.  [Abstract]

    Cell-free degradation assay of recombinant His-PhCHS protein. Recombinant His- PhCHS is purified from Escherichia coli incubated with petal crude proteins at stages and treated with specific 26S proteasome inhibitor MG132 at various time intervals. Western blot analysis was conducted using an anti-His antibody and anti-β-actin protein concentration was used as a loading control.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Antioxid Redox Signal. 2019 May 20;30(15):1831-1848.  [Abstract]

    Tan-IIA increases the endogenous induction of Nrf2 induction and this effect is further enhanced by cotreatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG-132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Molecules. 2019 Jan 22;24(3):393.  [Abstract]

    The HepG2 cells are pretreated for 5 h MG 132 which is a proteasome inhibitor. Then, the MARCH1 protein expressions in HepG2 cells treated with 0 μM, 5,0 μM SAF, and 2.5 μM MG 132 are measured by immunoblotting.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 3;37(1):240.  [Abstract]

    Decrease of ERCC6 expression can be rescued with proteasome inhibitor MG132. Subconfluent SKOV3 cells are treated with FL118 and MG132 alone or in combination as shown for 8 h, followed by western blot analyses with ERCC6 antibody.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Aug 15;37(1):193.  [Abstract]

    Western blot is performed in HCC-LM3 cells transfected with HJURP knockdown lentivirus and treated with DMSO or MG132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cancer Res. 2019 Feb 1;79(3):534-545.  [Abstract]

    Cells are transfected with GYS2 siRNA and pre-incubated with MG-132 (20 μM) for 12 h. Cell lysate are immunoprecipitated by anti-Ub and immunoblotted by anti-p53.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: EBioMedicine. 2018 Aug;34:243-255.  [Abstract]

    MPC1 protein expression in primary mouse hepatocytes incubated with pyruvate for 8 h in the presence of MG-132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cell Death Dis. 2018 May 22;9(6):604.  [Abstract]

    Different concentrations of two classical proteasome inhibitors PS-341 and MG132 are added. AGS cells are either untreated or treated with PS-341 (25 nM) or MG132 (0.1 μM) for 24 h in the absence or presence of baf A1 (100 nM).

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cell Prolif. 2018 Aug;51(4):e12451.  [Abstract]

    Immunoblot analysis of CDK4 in cells treated with 4 μM of CGN for 24 hours in the presence and absence of MG132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Eur J Med Chem. 2018 Feb 1;146:251-259.  [Abstract]

    In the absence of MG132, the protein degradation pathways are intact, the Tau protein level is significantly decreased in peptide 1-treated group.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Biochem Pharmacol. 2018 Oct;156:511-523.  [Abstract]

    The accumulated poly-ubiquitinated protein is detected by Western blotting after J-Lat 10.6 cells are treated with DMSO, PR-957 (100 nM), PR-957 (150 nM) or MG132 (500 nM) for 48 h.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Front Pharmacol. 2018 Apr 19;9:377.  [Abstract]

    Immunoblot levels of highly molecular weight (HMW)-ubiquitinated proteins and pSer129-α-syn after inhibiting the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) by various concentrations of MG132 (0.25, 0.5, and 1 μM) in SH-SY5Y cells.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Mol Plant Pathol. 2018 Dec;19(12):2623-2634.  [Abstract]

    Destabilization of BRC1 mediated by SWP1 is inhibited by proteasome inhibitors Epoxomicin and MG132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cell Cycle. 2018;17(13):1591-1601.  [Abstract]

    The protein level of CCNB1 in different groups is analyzed by Western blot; MG132 significantly increases the protein level of CCNB1 in oocytes from CRS group mice. Western blotting showing the reduced expression of securin is rescued by MG132 in CRS group mouse oocytes.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Mol Immunol. 2018 Nov 13;104:69-78.  [Abstract]

    Western analysis of proteins expression with treatment of IKK-16 or MG-132.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Oncol Lett. 2018 Nov;16(5):5900-5906.  [Abstract]

    Treatment with the 26S proteasome inhibitor, MG 132 (10 µM), rescues the downregulation of NEK 8 in the pVHL overexpressing SGC 7901 cells.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2018 Oct;1864(10):3322-3338.  [Abstract]

    The neonatal rat cardiomyocytes (NRCMs) are treated with MG132 (10 μM). The protein expression level of PPARα in the indicated group.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Cancer Lett. 2017 Dec 1;410:112-123.  [Abstract]

    Immunoprecipitation of ubiquitin from lysates of U-2 OS cells expressing CHOP after treatment with different concentrations of MG7 for 48 h. Cells are incubated with MG132 (20 mM) for 4 h before harvest. Cell lysates are immunoblotted with the indicated antibodies.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 7;7(1):2929.  [Abstract]

    p53 and Cell apoptosis. MCF7 and MDA-MB-231 cells are treated with 80 μM ω-3 FFAs, 20 μM ATRA alone or in combination for 48 h. The expression of PARP and p53 protein. β-Actin is used as an internal control.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: J Inorg Biochem. 2017 Oct;175:92-100.  [Abstract]

    TPEN-triggered PML-RARα degradation in NB4 cells is reversed by MG-132 treatment. NB4 cells are treated with 5 μM TPEN with or without the presence of 1 μM MG-132 for the indicated durations (0–12 h) and then lysed. The lysates are analyzed for PML-RARα and RARα protein levels by western blotting.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Sep 2;490(4):1168-1175.  [Abstract]

    Treatment of CHO-K1 cells with proteasome inhibitor, MG-132 results in elevated SR-B1 protein levels. The cells with MG-132, a potent proteasome inhibitor that inhibit ubiquitin/proteasome-dependent protein degradation, and MG-132 treatment significantly enhances cellular SR-B1 protein level.

    MG-132 purchased from MedChemExpress. Usage Cited in: Université de Montréal. Octobre 2017.

    Unsynchronized control and ARF6 cells are treated with DMSO or MG132 (10 μM) for 1h or 4h, lysed and total ubiquitinated proteins are determined using western blot (n=3).
    • Biological Activity

    • Purity & Documentation

    • References

    • Customer Review


    MG-132 (Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al) is a potent proteasome and calpain inhibitor with IC50s of 100 nM and 1.2 μM, respectively. MG-132 effectively blocks the proteolytic activity of the 26S proteasome complex. MG-132, a peptide aldehyde, also is an autophagy activator. MG-132 also induces apoptosis[1][2][3].

    IC50 & Target

    IC50: 100 nM (Proteasome), 1.2 μM (Calpain)[1][3]

    Cellular Effect
    Cell Line Type Value Description References
    COS-7 IC50
    < 10 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Cytotoxicity against african green monkey COS7 cells by XTT method
    Cytotoxicity against african green monkey COS7 cells by XTT method
    [PMID: 18088097]
    HCT-116 IC50
    0.82 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Antiproliferative activity against human HCT116 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability incubated for 72 hrs by MTT assay
    Antiproliferative activity against human HCT116 cells assessed as reduction in cell viability incubated for 72 hrs by MTT assay
    [PMID: 31312413]
    HEK293 IC50
    0.009 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of chymotrypsin-like activity of proteasome beta-5 subunit in HEK293 cells using Suc-LLVY-Glo as substrate incubated for 2 hrs prior to substrate addition measured after 10 mins by cell-based proteasome-Glo beta5 assay
    Inhibition of chymotrypsin-like activity of proteasome beta-5 subunit in HEK293 cells using Suc-LLVY-Glo as substrate incubated for 2 hrs prior to substrate addition measured after 10 mins by cell-based proteasome-Glo beta5 assay
    [PMID: 23540790]
    HEK293 IC50
    0.6 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of postacid activity of 20s proteasome beta-1 subunit in HEK293 cells using Z-nLPnLD-Glo as substrate incubated for 2 hrs prior to substrate addition measured after 10 mins by cell-based proteasome-Glo beta1 assay
    Inhibition of postacid activity of 20s proteasome beta-1 subunit in HEK293 cells using Z-nLPnLD-Glo as substrate incubated for 2 hrs prior to substrate addition measured after 10 mins by cell-based proteasome-Glo beta1 assay
    [PMID: 23540790]
    Huh-7 IC50
    < 10 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Cytotoxicity against human HuH7 cells by XTT method
    Cytotoxicity against human HuH7 cells by XTT method
    [PMID: 18088097]
    MCF-10A IC50
    0.29 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Growth inhibition of human MCF10A cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    Growth inhibition of human MCF10A cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    [PMID: 24153206]
    MCF7 IC50
    0.13 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Growth inhibition of human MCF7 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    Growth inhibition of human MCF7 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    [PMID: 24153206]
    MDA-MB-231 IC50
    0.18 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Growth inhibition of human MDA-MB-231 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    Growth inhibition of human MDA-MB-231 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter-Blue assay
    [PMID: 24153206]
    NCI-H23 IC50
    0.48 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H23 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter 96 AQueous one solution cell proliferation assay
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H23 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter 96 AQueous one solution cell proliferation assay
    [PMID: 30964987]
    NCI-H727 IC50
    0.98 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H727 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter 96 AQueous one solution cell proliferation assay
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H727 cells after 72 hrs by CellTiter 96 AQueous one solution cell proliferation assay
    [PMID: 30964987]
    NCI-H929 IC50
    0.17 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H929 cells after 3 days by Alamar blue assay
    Cytotoxicity against human NCI-H929 cells after 3 days by Alamar blue assay
    [PMID: 24625088]
    OCI-Ly3 IC50
    > 10 μM
    Compound: 1, MG-132
    Cytotoxicity against NF-kappaB overexpressing human OCI-Ly3 cells after 4 hrs
    Cytotoxicity against NF-kappaB overexpressing human OCI-Ly3 cells after 4 hrs
    [PMID: 18024113]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.08 μg/mL
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of LPS and IFN-gamma-stimulated nitric oxide production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by Griess method
    Inhibition of LPS and IFN-gamma-stimulated nitric oxide production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by Griess method
    [PMID: 26351042]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.08 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production after 18 hrs by Griess reagent method
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production after 18 hrs by Griess reagent method
    [PMID: 22620677]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.1 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production incubated for 18 hrs by Griess method
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production incubated for 18 hrs by Griess method
    [PMID: 33422907]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.1 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    Inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    [PMID: 24219809]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.1 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production after 18 hrs by Griess method
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production after 18 hrs by Griess method
    [PMID: 23819871]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.1 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production in mouse RAW264.7 cells by Griess method
    Inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production in mouse RAW264.7 cells by Griess method
    [PMID: 24597894]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.1 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by griess reagent based plate reader analysis
    Inhibition of nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs by griess reagent based plate reader analysis
    [PMID: 24697496]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.15 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of LPS-induced NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells at 25 uM preincubated with compound followed by LPS challenge measured after 18 hrs by Griess method
    Inhibition of LPS-induced NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells at 25 uM preincubated with compound followed by LPS challenge measured after 18 hrs by Griess method
    [PMID: 26757019]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.15 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells measured after 18 hrs by Griess reagent based multilabel plate reader analysis
    Inhibition of nitric oxide production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells measured after 18 hrs by Griess reagent based multilabel plate reader analysis
    [PMID: 23327668]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.16 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Anti-inflammatory activity against mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production after 18 hrs by Griess reagent based assay
    Anti-inflammatory activity against mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated NO production after 18 hrs by Griess reagent based assay
    [PMID: 30629435]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.17 μg/mL
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production after 5 mins by Greiss method
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production after 5 mins by Greiss method
    [PMID: 22277277]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.17 μg/mL
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of IFNgamma-induced NO production after 5 mins by Greiss method
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of IFNgamma-induced NO production after 5 mins by Greiss method
    [PMID: 22277277]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.18 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced nitric oxide production after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    [PMID: 27203291]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.2 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated iNOS activity preincubated with compound for 24 hrs followed by LPS stimulation for 2 hrs and measured 2 hrs after NADPH addition by fluorescence based assay
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-stimulated iNOS activity preincubated with compound for 24 hrs followed by LPS stimulation for 2 hrs and measured 2 hrs after NADPH addition by fluorescence based assay
    [PMID: 33454546]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.2 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells preincubated with compound for 24 hrs followed by LPS stimulation and measured after 2 hrs by Griess reagent-based assay
    Inhibition of NO production in LPS-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells preincubated with compound for 24 hrs followed by LPS stimulation and measured after 2 hrs by Griess reagent-based assay
    [PMID: 33454546]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.2 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as reduction in LPS-induced NO production preincubated for 1 hr followed by LPS stimulation measured after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    Antiinflammatory activity in mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as reduction in LPS-induced NO production preincubated for 1 hr followed by LPS stimulation measured after 18 hrs by Griess assay
    [PMID: 29338260]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.35 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of LPS-induced NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs
    Inhibition of LPS-induced NO production in mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs
    [PMID: 21044847]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.35 μM
    Compound: MG-132
    Inhibition of NO production in Interferon gamma-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs
    Inhibition of NO production in Interferon gamma-stimulated mouse RAW264.7 cells after 18 hrs
    [PMID: 21044847]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    0.63 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Toxicity against mouse RAW264.7 cells by XTT assay
    Toxicity against mouse RAW264.7 cells by XTT assay
    [PMID: 22858297]
    RAW264.7 IC50
    2.6 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Anti-inflammatory activity against mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production pretreated with compound for 2 hrs followed by LPS stimulation for 12 hrs by Griess reagent based analysis
    Anti-inflammatory activity against mouse RAW264.7 cells assessed as inhibition of LPS-induced NO production pretreated with compound for 2 hrs followed by LPS stimulation for 12 hrs by Griess reagent based analysis
    [PMID: 36607819]
    SW480 IC50
    29.5 μM
    Compound: MG132
    Inhibition of NFkappaB transcription in human SW480 cells at by luciferase reporter gene assay
    Inhibition of NFkappaB transcription in human SW480 cells at by luciferase reporter gene assay
    [PMID: 26841168]
    In Vitro

    MG-132 (Z-Leu-Leu-Leu-al) initiates neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells at a low concentration (30 nM) and is a very strong inhibitor of 20S proteasome[3].
    MG-132 (10 μM; 1 hour) reverses the effects of TNF- α on I κ B degradation and NF-κ B activation in A549 cells[4].
    MG-132 (0.75-5 μM; 24 hours) potently induces p53-dependent apoptosis in KIM-2 cells by 26S proteasome inhibition[5].
    MG-132 (10-40 μM; 24 hours) significantly reduces the viability of C6 glioma cells in both time- and concentration-dependent manners and shows the IC50 of 18.5 μM at 24 hours[6].
    MG-132 (18.5 μM; 24 hours) induces down-regulation of anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and XIAP and up-regulates expression of pro-apoptotic protein Bax and caspase-3[6].

    MedChemExpress (MCE) has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Cell Viability Assay[3]

    Cell Line: C6 glioma cells
    Concentration: 10, 20, 30, 40 μM
    Incubation Time: 24 hours
    Result: Significantly reduced the viability of C6 glioma cells beginning at 6 h in both time- and concentration-dependent manners and showed the IC50 of 18.5 μM at 24 hours.

    Western Blot Analysis[3]

    Cell Line: A549 cells
    Concentration: 10 μM
    Incubation Time: 1 hour
    Result: Reversed the effects of TNF-α on IκB degradation and resulted in a reversal of TNF-α-induced NF-κB activation.
    In Vivo

    MG132 (10 mg/kg; i.p.; daily for 25 days starting 5 days after EC9706 cells injection) significantly inhibits tumor growth of the EC9706 xenograft without causing toxicity to mice[7].
    MG-132 (1 mg/kg; i.v.; twice a week for 4 weeks) shows potent tumor inhibitory effect against mice bearing HeLa tumors[8].
    MG-132 (1-10 μg/kg/24 hours; subcutaneously implanted osmotic pumps; for 8 days) greatly increases the expression levels of β-dystroglycan, α-dystroglycan, α-sarcoglycan, and dystrophin in skeletal muscle lysates in mice (six-month-old male C57BL/10ScSn DMD mdx mice)[9].

    MedChemExpress (MCE) has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.

    Animal Model: 5- to 6-weeks old female athymic nude mice (EC9706 xenograft)
    Dosage: 10 mg/kg
    Administration: I.p.; daily for 25 days starting 5 days after EC9706 cells injection
    Result: Significantly inhibited tumor growth of the EC9706 xenograft without causing toxicity to the mice.
    Animal Model: Five-week-old female C.B-17/lcr-scid/scidJcl mice (bearing HeLa cells)[8]
    Dosage: 1 mg/kg
    Administration: Intravenous injection; twice a week for 4 weeks
    Result: The growth inhibition rates in HeLa tumors was 49% compared to the control.
    Molecular Weight




    CAS No.



    White to yellow




    Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.

    Powder -20°C 3 years
    In solvent -80°C 6 months
    -20°C 1 month
    Solvent & Solubility
    In Vitro: 

    DMSO : 100 mg/mL (210.25 mM; Need ultrasonic; Hygroscopic DMSO has a significant impact on the solubility of product, please use newly opened DMSO)

    Stock Solutions
    Concentration Solvent Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg
    1 mM 2.1025 mL 10.5126 mL 21.0252 mL
    5 mM 0.4205 mL 2.1025 mL 4.2050 mL
    View the Complete Stock Solution Preparation Table

    * Please refer to the solubility information to select the appropriate solvent. Once prepared, please aliquot and store the solution to prevent product inactivation from repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    Storage method and period of stock solution: -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month. When stored at -80°C, please use it within 6 months. When stored at -20°C, please use it within 1 month.

    • Molarity Calculator

    • Dilution Calculator

    Mass (g) = Concentration (mol/L) × Volume (L) × Molecular Weight (g/mol)

    Molecular Weight *

    Concentration (start) × Volume (start) = Concentration (final) × Volume (final)

    This equation is commonly abbreviated as: C1V1 = C2V2

    Concentration (start)


    Volume (start)


    Concentration (final)


    Volume (final)


    In Vivo:

    Select the appropriate dissolution method based on your experimental animal and administration route.

    For the following dissolution methods, please ensure to first prepare a clear stock solution using an In Vitro approach and then sequentially add co-solvents:
    To ensure reliable experimental results, the clarified stock solution can be appropriately stored based on storage conditions. As for the working solution for in vivo experiments, it is recommended to prepare freshly and use it on the same day.
    The percentages shown for the solvents indicate their volumetric ratio in the final prepared solution. If precipitation or phase separation occurs during preparation, heat and/or sonication can be used to aid dissolution.

    • Protocol 1

      Add each solvent one by one:  10% DMSO    40% PEG300    5% Tween-80    45% Saline

      Solubility: ≥ 1.67 mg/mL (3.51 mM); Clear solution

      This protocol yields a clear solution of ≥ 1.67 mg/mL (saturation unknown).

      Taking 1 mL working solution as an example, add 100 μL DMSO stock solution (16.7 mg/mL) to 400 μL PEG300, and mix evenly; then add 50 μL Tween-80 and mix evenly; then add 450 μL Saline to adjust the volume to 1 mL.

      Preparation of Saline: Dissolve 0.9 g sodium chloride in ddH₂O and dilute to 100 mL to obtain a clear Saline solution.
    • Protocol 2

      Add each solvent one by one:  10% DMSO    90% (20% SBE-β-CD in Saline)

      Solubility: 1.67 mg/mL (3.51 mM); Suspended solution; Need ultrasonic

      This protocol yields a suspended solution of 1.67 mg/mL. Suspended solution can be used for oral and intraperitoneal injection.

      Taking 1 mL working solution as an example, add 100 μL DMSO stock solution (16.7 mg/mL) to 900 μL 20% SBE-β-CD in Saline, and mix evenly.

      Preparation of 20% SBE-β-CD in Saline (4°C, storage for one week): 2 g SBE-β-CD powder is dissolved in 10 mL Saline, completely dissolve until clear.
    In Vivo Dissolution Calculator
    Please enter the basic information of animal experiments:



    Animal weight
    (per animal)


    Dosing volume
    (per animal)


    Number of animals

    Recommended: Prepare an additional quantity of animals to account for potential losses during experiments.
    Please enter your animal formula composition:
    DMSO +
    Tween-80 +
    Recommended: Keep the proportion of DMSO in working solution below 2% if your animal is weak.
    The co-solvents required include: DMSO, . All of co-solvents are available by MedChemExpress (MCE). , Tween 80. All of co-solvents are available by MedChemExpress (MCE).
    Calculation results:
    Working solution concentration: mg/mL
    Method for preparing stock solution: mg drug dissolved in μL  DMSO (Stock solution concentration: mg/mL).
    The concentration of the stock solution you require exceeds the measured solubility. The following solution is for reference only. If necessary, please contact MedChemExpress (MCE).
    Method for preparing in vivo working solution for animal experiments: Take μL DMSO stock solution, add μL . μL , mix evenly, next add μL Tween 80, mix evenly, then add μL Saline.
     If the continuous dosing period exceeds half a month, please choose this protocol carefully.
    Please ensure that the stock solution in the first step is dissolved to a clear state, and add co-solvents in sequence. You can use ultrasonic heating (ultrasonic cleaner, recommended frequency 20-40 kHz), vortexing, etc. to assist dissolution.
    Purity & Documentation

    Purity: 99.97%


    Complete Stock Solution Preparation Table

    * Please refer to the solubility information to select the appropriate solvent. Once prepared, please aliquot and store the solution to prevent product inactivation from repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
    Storage method and period of stock solution: -80°C, 6 months; -20°C, 1 month. When stored at -80°C, please use it within 6 months. When stored at -20°C, please use it within 1 month.

    Optional Solvent Concentration Solvent Mass 1 mg 5 mg 10 mg 25 mg
    DMSO 1 mM 2.1025 mL 10.5126 mL 21.0252 mL 52.5630 mL
    5 mM 0.4205 mL 2.1025 mL 4.2050 mL 10.5126 mL
    10 mM 0.2103 mL 1.0513 mL 2.1025 mL 5.2563 mL
    15 mM 0.1402 mL 0.7008 mL 1.4017 mL 3.5042 mL
    20 mM 0.1051 mL 0.5256 mL 1.0513 mL 2.6281 mL
    25 mM 0.0841 mL 0.4205 mL 0.8410 mL 2.1025 mL
    30 mM 0.0701 mL 0.3504 mL 0.7008 mL 1.7521 mL
    40 mM 0.0526 mL 0.2628 mL 0.5256 mL 1.3141 mL
    50 mM 0.0421 mL 0.2103 mL 0.4205 mL 1.0513 mL
    60 mM 0.0350 mL 0.1752 mL 0.3504 mL 0.8760 mL
    80 mM 0.0263 mL 0.1314 mL 0.2628 mL 0.6570 mL
    100 mM 0.0210 mL 0.1051 mL 0.2103 mL 0.5256 mL
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    • If you have published this work, please enter the PubMed ID.
    • Your name will appear on the site.
    Help & FAQs
    • Do most proteins show cross-species activity?

      Species cross-reactivity must be investigated individually for each product. Many human cytokines will produce a nice response in mouse cell lines, and many mouse proteins will show activity on human cells. Other proteins may have a lower specific activity when used in the opposite species.

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