1. Academic Validation
  2. [Pharmacokinetic studies of sulfamerazine-Na, sulfaperine-Na and sulfadimidine-Na in the hen]

[Pharmacokinetic studies of sulfamerazine-Na, sulfaperine-Na and sulfadimidine-Na in the hen]

  • Arch Exp Veterinarmed. 1980;34(4):587-94.
K Losch
PMID: 7447603

The pharmacokinetic properties of sulphaperine-sodium, Mebacid 200, and sulphadimidine-sodium were experimentally established from fowl and mathematically objectivated. The highest half-life for elimination, coupled with low protein fixation, was recorded from sulphadimidine, by comparison of the above three sulphonamides. These data were used in dosage calculations for clinical testing.
