1. Recombinant Proteins
  2. Cytokines and Growth Factors
  3. Interleukin & Receptors
  4. IL-27 Receptor
Cat. No. Product Name / Synonyms Species Source
  • HY-P76668
    IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His)

    Interleukin-27 receptor subunit alpha; IL-27R-alpha; TCCR; WSX-1; IL-27RA

    Mouse HEK293
    IL-27R alpha(Interleukin 27 receptor alpha) is a subunit of the interleukin-27 receptor, an inflammatory cytokine that possesses extensive immunological functions. IL-27R alphacan be used as a natural IL-27 antagonist. IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Mouse (HEK293, His) is a recombinant protein with a His label that consists of 482 amino acids (G29-K510) and is produced by HEK293 cells.
  • HY-P701013
    IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Human (HEK293, His)

    IL-27RA; TCCR; IL27RA; IL-27R-alpha; IL27R alpha; WSX-1; WSX1; ZcytoR1; CRL1; IL-27 RA; IL27 RA

    Human HEK293
    IL-27R α/TCCR protein, as a receptor for IL27, relies on IL6ST/GP130 for signal transduction and activates STAT3 and STAT1. It is also part of the IL6ST/GP130 and CNTFR complex, acting as a receptor for the neuroprotective peptide human peptide. IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is the recombinant human-derived IL-27R alpha/TCCR protein, expressed by HEK293 , with C-His labeled tag. The total length of IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Human (HEK293, His) is 483 a.a., with molecular weight of 75-105 kDa.
  • HY-P77223
    IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Human (514a.a, HEK293, Fc)

    Interleukin-27 receptor subunit alpha; IL-27R-alpha; TCCR; WSX-1; IL-27RA

    Human HEK293
    IL-27R alpha(Interleukin 27 receptor alpha) is a subunit of the interleukin-27 receptor, an inflammatory cytokine that possesses extensive immunological functions. IL-27R alphacan be used as a natural IL-27 antagonist. IL-27R alpha/TCCR Protein, Human (514a.a, HEK293, Fc) is a recombinant protein with a Fc label that consists of 514 amino acids (M1-R514) and is produced by HEK293 cells.
Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity