1. Gene
  2. POLG2 - DNA polymerase gamma 2, accessory subunit Gene

POLG2 - DNA polymerase gamma 2, accessory subunit Gene

Homo sapiens


Gene ID: 11232 | Gene type: protein coding

About POLG2

Cytogenetic location: 17q23.3 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 17:64,477,785-64,497,054 (from NCBI)

This gene has 12 transcripts (splice variants), 190 orthologues, 1 paralogue and is associated with 4 phenotypes. Broad expression in testis (RPKM 7.8), lymph node (RPKM 4.4) and 25 other tissues.


This gene encodes the processivity subunit of the mitochondrial DNA Polymerase gamma. The encoded protein forms a heterotrimer containing one catalytic subunit and two processivity subunits. This protein enhances DNA binding and promotes processive DNA synthesis. Mutations in this gene result in autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia with mitochondrial DNA deletions.[provided by RefSeq, Sep 2009]

POLG2 Products(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_007215.4 NP_009146.2 DNA polymerase subunit gamma-2, mitochondrial

POLG2 Protein Structure


HGTP_anticodon: Anticodon binding domain (392 - 477)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 400
  • 485 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

DNA polymerase subunit gamma-2, mitochondrial

DNA polymerase gamma accessory 55 kDa subunit

POLG2 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098 33961781
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098 19837034
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098 26496610
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098 28514442
POLG2 Q9UHN1 POLG Homo sapiens P54098
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 16b


Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 16b, Neuroophthalmic Type

Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Dominant 4


Autosomal Dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions 4

Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Dominant, 4

Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia

Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia, Autosomal Dominant 4

Autosomal Dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia 4


Graefe Disease

Mitochondrial Ocular Myopathy

Ocular Myopathy Of Von Graefe-Fuchs

Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia Autosomal Dominant 4

Ophthalmoplegia, External, Progressive, With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Dominant, Type 4

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 16


Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 16, Hepatic Type

Autosomal Dominant Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia


Acute Liver Failure

Fulminant Hepatic Failure

Acute Hepatic Failure

Liver Failure Acute

Hepatic Failure Fulminant

Liver Failure, Acute

Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia

Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia



Ophthalmoplegia, Chronic Progressive External

Ophthalmoplegia, External, Progressive, Chronic

Graefe Disease

Peo - [Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia]

Ophthalmoplegia Plus Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome

Mtdna Depletion Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4a

Alpers Syndrome

Alpers-Huttenlocher Syndrome

Alpers Progressive Infantile Poliodystrophy

Alpers Diffuse Degeneration Of Cerebral Gray Matter With Hepatic Cirrhosis

Alpers Disease

Progressive Sclerosing Poliodystrophy


Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis Of Schilder


Neuronal Degeneration Of Childhood With Liver Disease, Progressive

Alper'S Syndrome

Alpers' Disease Or Gray-Matter Degeneration

Diffuse Cerebral Degeneration In Infancy

Infantile Poliodystrophy

Poliodystrophia Cerebri Progressiva

Progressive Cerebral Poliodystrophy

Alpers' Disease

Alpers Progressive Sclerosing Poliodystrophy

Progressive Neuronal Degeneration Of Childhood With Liver Disease


Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4a Alpers Type

Neuronal Degeneration Of Childhood With Liver Disease Progressive



Idiopathic Parkinsonism

Primary Parkinsonism

Paralysis Agitans Syndrome

Parkinsonian Syndrome

Trembling Paralysis

Paralysis Agitans

Shaking Palsy

Shaking Paralysis

Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy, Dysarthria, And Ophthalmoparesis


Mitochondrial Recessive Ataxia Syndrome

Spinocerebellar Ataxia With Epilepsy

Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 5




Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions, Autosomal Recessive

Autosomal Recessive Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Type 5

Pme Type 5

Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy Type 5

Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy-Dysarthria-Ophthalmoparesis Syndrome

Recessive Mitochondrial Ataxia Syndrome

Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy Dysarthria And Ophthalmoparesis

Mitochondrial Spinocerebellar Ataxia-Epilepsy Syndrome


Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy With Mitochondrial Dna Deletions Autosomal Recessive

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy With Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy

Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 5

Ataxia Neuropathy Spectrum

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 7

Ohaha Syndrome

Infantile Onset Spinocerebellar Ataxia


Infantile-Onset Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Spinocerebellar Ataxia 8


Ophthalmoplegia, Hypotonia, Ataxia, Hypacusis, And Athetosis

Ophthalmoplegia-Hypotonia-Ataxia-Hypoacusis-Athetosis Syndrome


Spinocerebellar Ataxia Infantile With Sensory Neuropathy

Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Infantile-Onset

Ophthalmoplegia, Hypotonia, Ataxia, Hypoacusis, And Athetosis

Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Infantile, With Sensory Neuropathy

Spinocerebellar Ataxia 8, Formerly

Sca8, Formerly

Iosca, Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 7

Ophthalmoplegia - Hypotonia - Ataxia - Hypoacusis - Athetosis

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebrorenal Form

Mtdna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebrorenal Form

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 7 Hepatocerebral Type

Ophthalmoplegia Hypotonia Ataxia Hypoacusis And Athetosis

Pure Spinocerebellar Ataxia Japanese Type

Sca4 Pure Japanese Type

Spinocerebellar Ataxia Infantile-Onset

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome , Type 7

Kearns-Sayre Syndrome


Mitochondrial Cytopathy


Ophthalmoplegia, Pigmentary Degeneration Of Retina, And Cardiomyopathy

Oculocraniosomatic Syndrome

Chronic Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia With Myopathy

Cpeo With Myopathy

Total Ophthalmoplegia

Ophthalmoplegia-Plus Syndrome

Ophthalmoplegia, Progressive External, With Ragged-Red Fibers

Cpeo With Ragged-Red Fibers

Oculomotor Paralysis

Renal Tubulopathy, Diabetes Mellitus, And Cerebellar Ataxia Due To Duplication O

Renal Tubulopathy, Diabetes Mellitus, And Cerebellar Ataxia Due To Duplication Of Mitochondrial Dna

Proximal Tubulopathy, Diabetes Mellitus And Cerebellar Ataxia

Cpeo With Ragged Red Fibers

Ophthalmoplegia Plus Syndrome

Ophthalmoplegia, Progressive External, With Ragged Red Fibers

Kearns-Sayre Mitochondrial Cytopathy

Mitochondrial Myopathies

Axonal Neuropathy
Mitochondrial Disease

Mitochondrial Diseases

Mitochondrial Disorder

Metabolic Acidosis
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 6

Navajo Neurohepatopathy

Navajo Neuropathy




Mpv17-Related Hepatocerebral Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome

Navajo Familial Neurogenic Arthropathy

Mpv17-Associated Hepatocerebral Mds

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion 6 Hepatocerebral Type

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome , Type 6




Muscular Diseases


Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 2

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form


Tk2-Related Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Myopathy, Tk2-Related

Tk2-Related Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Myopathy

Mtdna Depletion Syndrome, Myopathic Form

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Myopathy Tk2-Related

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 2 Myopathic Type

Myopathic Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Type 2

Toxic Optic Neuropathy
Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4b

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome

Mngie Syndrome

Thymidine Phosphorylase Deficiency


Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Disease


Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome


Oculogastrointestinal Muscular Dystrophy


Polyneuropathy, Ophthalmoplegia, Leukoencephalopathy, And Intestinal Pseudo-Obstruction

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome, Polg-Related

Mngie, Polg-Related


Mitochondrial Myopathy With Sensorimotor Polyneuropathy, Ophthalmoplegia, And Pseudo-Obstruction

Mngie Disease

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 4b Mngie Type

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome Polg-Related

Mngie Polg-Related

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Type 4b

Visceral Myopathy Familial External Ophthalmoplegia

Ocular Motility Disease

Ocular Motility Disorders

Abnormality Of Eye Movement

Disorder Of Eye Movements

Eye Movement Disorder

Eye Movement Disorders

Mitochondrial Metabolism Disease

Abnormality Of Mitochondrial Metabolism

Mitochondrial Diseases

Mitochondrial Myopathy

Mitochondrial Myopathies

Mitochondrial Cytopathy

Myopathies In Mitochondrial Disorders

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria, Type Iii

Optic Atrophy

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type 3

Costeff Syndrome


Costeff Optic Atrophy Syndrome

Optic Atrophy Plus Syndrome

Infantile Optic Atrophy With Chorea And Spastic Paraplegia

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type Iii

Autosomal Recessive Optic Atrophy Plus Syndrome

Autosomal Recessive Optic Atrophy Type 3

Opa3 Defect


Mga, Type Iii

Iraqi Jewish Optic Atrophy Plus

Mga Type Iii

Optic Atrophy, Infantile, With Chorea And Spastic Paraplegia

Iraqi-Jewish 'Optic Atrophy Plus'

Optic Atrophy 3, Autosomal Recessive

Opa3, Autosomal Recessive

Opa3-Related 3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria

Iraqi-Jewish Optic Atrophy Plus

Atrophy Of Optic Disc

3-Alpha Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type Iii

Optic Atrophy 3

Optic Atrophy Infantile With Chorea And Spastic Paraplegia

Autosomal Recessive Opa3

Autosomal Recessive Optic Atrophy 3

3-Methylglutaconic Aciduria 3

3-Alpha-Methylglutaconic Aciduria Type 3

Optic Atrophy 3 Autosomal Recessive

Atrophy, Optic

Atrophy, Optic, Plus Syndrome

Optic Nerve Atrophy

Primary Optic Atrophy

Oa - [Optic Atrophy]

Second Cranial Nerve Atrophy

Second Cranium Nerve Atrophy

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 1


Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome, Tymp-Related

Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome

Polip Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Type 1

Mngie, Tymp-Related

Polyneuropathy, Ophthalmoplegia, Leukoencephalopathy, And Intestinal Pseudoobstruction

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 1, Mngie Type

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome Tymp-Related

Myoneurogastrointestinal Encephalomyopathy

Polyneuropathy Ophthalmoplegia Leukoencephalopathy And Intestinal Pseudoobstruction

Mitochondrial Neurogastrointestinal Encephalopathy Syndrome

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 3

Deoxyguanosine Kinase Deficiency

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebral Form


Dguok Deficiency

Dguok-Related Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebral Form

Dguok-Related Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome

Hepatocerebral Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome

Mtdna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebral Form

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome, Hepatocerebral Form Due To Dguok Deficiency

Hepatocerebral Mitochondrial Dna Deletions Syndrome Autosomal Recessive

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome 3 Hepatocerebral Type

Mitochondrial Dna Depletion Syndrome , Type 3

Male Infertility

Infertility, Male

Infertility Male

Male Sterility

Absolute Infertility

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, Modifier Of

Leber Optic Atrophy

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy


Leber'S Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Leber Optic Atrophy, Susceptibility To

Leber'S Optic Atrophy



Leber'S Disease

Leber'S Optic Neuropathy

Optic Atrophy, Hereditary, Leber

Lhon, Modifier Of

Optic Atrophy, Leber Type

Hereditary Optic Neuroretinopathy

Leber Hereditary Optic Atrophy


Optic Atrophy Leber Type

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy, Modifier

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Susceptibility

Modifier Of Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Lebers Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Leber Congenital Amaurosis



Drooping Eyelid

Droopy Eyelid

Ptosis Of Eyelid

Paralysis Of Levator Palpebrae Superioris

Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy

Myoclonic Epilepsy

Myoclonic Seizure

Epilepsies, Myoclonic

Epileptic Seizures - Myoclonic

Epileptic Seizures, Myoclonic

Myoclonia Epileptica

Myoclonic Seizure Disorder

Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy With Suppression-Bursts

Perrault Syndrome

Gonadal Dysgenesis, Xx Type, With Deafness

Ovarian Dysgenesis With Sensorineural Deafness

Gonadal Dysgenesis, Xx Type

Gonadal Dysgenesis With Auditory Dysfunction, Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

Gonadal Dysgenesis With Sensorineural Deafness, Autosomal Recessive Inheritance

Xx Gonodal Dysgenesis-Deafness Syndrome

Xx Gonodal Dysgenesis-Hearing Loss Syndrome

Gonadal Dysgenesis Xx Type Deafness

Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency, Nuclear Type 1

Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency

Nadh:Q(1) Oxidoreductase Deficiency


Nadh-Coenzyme Q Reductase Deficiency

Isolated Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Complex I Deficiency

Isolated Nadh-Coenzyme Q Reductase Deficiency

Isolated Nadh-Coq Reductase Deficiency

Isolated Nadh-Ubiquinone Reductase Deficiency

Mitochondrial Nadh Dehydrogenase Component Of Complex I, Deficiency Of

Nuclear Type Mitochondrial Complex I Deficiency 1

Isolated Complex I Deficiency

Complex 1 Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiency

Nadh Coenzyme Q Reductase Deficiency

Complex I Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Deficiency

Deficiency Of Mitochondrial Nadh Dehydrogenase Component Of Complex I

Nadh:Ubiquinone Oxidoreductase Deficiency

Complex I, Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain, Deficiency Of

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Macaca mulatta POLG2 VGNC VGNC:76206
Rattus norvegicus POLG2 RGD RGD:1305128
Bos taurus POLG2 VGNC VGNC:33123
Canis familiaris POLG2 VGNC VGNC:44782
Mus musculus POLG2 MGD MGI:1354947
Felis catus POLG2 VGNC VGNC:68941