1. Gene
  2. ZNF699 - zinc finger protein 699 Gene

ZNF699 - zinc finger protein 699 Gene

Homo sapiens (human)

Also known as hang; DEGCAGS

Gene ID: 374879 | Gene type: protein coding

About ZNF699


Predicted to enable DNA-binding transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific and RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding activity. Predicted to be involved in regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II. Predicted to be active in nucleus. [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022]

ZNF699 Products(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_198535.3 NP_940937.1 zinc finger protein 699
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
25416956 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

zinc finger protein 699

hangover homolog

hangover, Drosophila, homolog of

ZNF699 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
ZNF699 Q32M78 KRTAP10-9 Homo sapiens P60411 25416956
ZNF699 Q32M78 KRTAP10-9 Homo sapiens P60411 25416956
ZNF699 Q32M78 DVL3 Homo sapiens Q92997 32296183
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction