1. Gene
  2. CD1B - CD1b molecule Gene

CD1B - CD1b molecule Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as R1; CD1; CD1A

Gene ID: 910 | Gene type: protein coding

About CD1B

Cytogenetic location: 1q23.1 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 1:158,285,405-158,331,531 (from NCBI)

This gene has 2 transcripts (splice variants), 459 orthologues and 22 paralogues. Low expression observed in reference dataset.


This gene encodes a member of the CD1 family of transmembrane glycoproteins, which are structurally related to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins and form heterodimers with beta-2-microglobulin. The CD1 proteins mediate the presentation of primarily lipid and glycolipid antigens of self or microbial origin to T cells. The human genome contains five CD1 family genes organized in a cluster on chromosome 1. The CD1 family members are thought to differ in their cellular localization and specificity for particular lipid ligands. The protein encoded by this gene localizes to late endosomes and lysosomes via a tyrosine-based motif in the cytoplasmic tail, and requires vesicular acidification to bind lipid antigens. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

CD1B Products(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_001764.3 NP_001755.1 T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1b precursor

CD1B Protein Structure


C1-set: Immunoglobulin C1-set domain (220 - 287)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 333 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

T-cell surface glycoprotein CD1b

CD1B antigen, b polypeptide

Recombinant CD1B Proteins

Cat. No. Product Name Accession Purity
HY-P75438 CD1B Protein, Human (HEK293, Fc) P29016 (S18-S303) ≥95%

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Follicular Dendritic Cell Sarcoma

Dendritic Cell Sarcoma

Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Follicular

Follicular Dendritic Cell Tumour

Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Interdigitating

Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Not Otherwise Specified

Non-Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis

Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell

Non-Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Interdigitating Dendritic Cell Sarcoma

Interdigitating Cell Sarcoma

Dendritic Cell Sarcoma, Interdigitating

Reticulum Cell Sarcoma

Adult Xanthogranuloma
Langerhans Cell Sarcoma

Malignant Langerhans Cell Sarcoma

Histiocytic And Dendritic Cell Cancer

Histiocytic And Dendritic Cell

Reticulohistiocytic Granuloma


Solitary Reticulohistiocytoma

Solitary Histiocytoma

Solitary Reticulohistiocytosis

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma

Multiple Eruptive Juvenile Xanthogranuloma


Xanthoma Neviforme

Xanthogranuloma, Juvenile

Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis

Lipoid Dermatoarthritis

Giant Cell Histiocytomatosis

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis 1



Tuberculosis, Susceptibility To

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, Susceptibility To, 1



Orbital Cancer

Malignant Neoplasm Of Orbit

Orbital Tumor

Orbital Neoplasms

Neoplasm Of Orbit Proper

Orbit Cancer

Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Orbit

Intraorbital Cancer

Erdheim-Chester Disease


Erdheim Chester Disease

Lipoid Granulomatosis

Lipid Granulomatosis

Polyostotic Sclerosing Histiocytosis

Granuloma Annulare

Granulome Annulare

Ga - [Granuloma Annulare]

Fibrosarcoma Of Bone

Malignant Histiocytosis

Malignant Fibroxanthoma

Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma

Histiocytic Medullary Reticulosis

Nasal Type Extranodal Nk/T-Cell Lymphoma

Histiocytic Sarcoma

Cobblestone Retinal Degeneration

Paving Stone Retinal Degeneration

Paving Stone Degeneration Of Retina

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis

Histiocytosis X


Langerhans Cell Granulomatosis

Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis

Letterer-Siwe Disease

Hashimoto-Pritzger Disease

Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell

Langerhan'S Cell Histiocytosis

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Intra-Abdominal Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Intrapelvic Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Lymph Nodes Of Axilla And Upper Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Lymph Nodes Of Head, Face And Neck

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Lymph Nodes Of Head, Face, And Neck

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Lymph Nodes Of Inguinal Region And Lower Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Lymph Nodes Of Multiple Sites

Letterer-Siwe Disease Involving Spleen

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Intra-Abdominal Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Intrapelvic Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Intrathoracic Lymph Nodes

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Axilla And Upper Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Axilla And/Or Upper Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Head, Face And Neck

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Head, Face And/Or Neck

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Inguinal Region Amd/Or Lower Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Inguinal Region And Lower Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Inguinal Region And/Or Lower Limb

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Lymph Nodes Of Multiple Sites

Letterer-Siwe Disease Of Spleen

Familial Letterer-Siwe Disease

Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis Nos

Granulomatous Dermatitis
Tuberculoid Leprosy

Smooth Leprosy

Type T Leprosy

Leprosy Tuberculoid

Leprosy, Tuberculoid

Histiocytosis-Lymphadenopathy Plus Syndrome

H Syndrome

Histiocytosis With Joint Contractures And Sensorineural Deafness

Faisalabad Histiocytosis



Rosai-Dorfman Disease

Pigmented Hypertrichosis With Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus


Sinus Histiocytosis And Massive Lymphadenopathy

Familial Rosai-Dorfman Disease

Slc29a3 Spectrum Disorder

Sinus Histiocytosis With Massive Lymphadenopathy

Histiocytosis And Lymphadenopathy With Or Without Cutaneous, Cardiac, And/Or Endocrine Features, Joint Contractures, And/Or Deafness

Hyperpigmentation, Cutaneous, With Hypertrichosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Heart Anomalies, And Hypogonadism With Or Without Hearing Loss

Rosai-Dorfman Disease, Familial

Cutaneous Hyperpigmentation With Hypertrichosis, Hepatosplenomegaly, Heart Anomalies, And Hypogonadism With Or Without Hearing Loss

Histiocytosis And Lymphadenopathy With Or Without Cutaneous, Cardiac, And/Or Endocrine Features, Joint Contractures And/Or Deafness


Rosaï-Dorfman Disease

Slc29a3 Disorder

Destombes-Rosai-Dorfman Disease

Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes Disease


Cutaneous Hyperpigmentation With Hypertrichosis Hepatosplenomegaly Heart Anomalies And Hypogonadism With Or Without Hearing Loss

Histiocytosis And Lymphadenopathy With Or Without Cutaneous Cardiac And/Or Endocrine Features Joint Contractures And/Or Deafness

H Disease

Sinus Histiocytosis

Spongiotic Dermatitis
Polyclonal Hypergammaglobulinemia

Polyclonal Gammopathy

Mycosis Fungoides

Mycosis Fungoides Lymphoma

Alibert-Bazin Syndrome

Granuloma Fungoides

Classic Mycosis Fungoides

Mycosis Fungoides, Alibert-Bazin Type

Mixed Type Thymoma

Thymoma, Mixed Type

Thymoma, Type Ab

Malignant Histiocytic Disease

Histiocytic Disorders, Malignant



Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia

Lymphocytic Interstitial Pneumonia

Lip Disease

Lip Diseases


Disease Of Lips

Orbital Disease


Orbital Diseases

Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia, T/Myeloid


Necrobiosis Lipoidica

Oppenheim-Urbach Disease

Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis


Seborrhoeic Eczema

Skin Seborrheic

Dermatitis, Seborrheic

Histiocytic Sarcoma

Malignant Histiocytosis

Central Diabetes Insipidus

Neurogenic Diabetes Insipidus

Diabetes Insipidus Cranial Type

Diabetes Insipidus Neurogenic

Diabetes Insipidus Neurohypophyseal

Neurohypophyseal Diabetes Insipidus

Pituitary Diabetes Insipidus



Diabetes Insipidus

Di - [Diabetes Insipidus]

Adh - [Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion] Deficiency

Diabetes Mellitus Insipidus

Familial Diabetes Insipidus

Antidiuretic Hormone Hyposecretion

Vasopressin Deficiency Syndrome

Primary Central Diabetes Insipidus

Vasopressin Deficiency

Vasopressin Hyposecretion

Diabetes Insipidus Secondary To Vasopressin Deficiency

Lichen Nitidus

Pinkus' Disease

Kimura Disease

Kimura'S Disease

Eosinophilic Lymphogranuloma

Eosinophilic Granuloma Of Soft Tissue

Eosinophilic Hyperplastic Lymphogranuloma

Eosinophilic Lymphofollicular Granuloma

Eosinophilic Lymphofolliculosis

Dendritic Cell Thymoma

Epithelioid Thymoma

Type B Thymoma


Discharging Ear

Epithelial Malignant Thymoma

Squamoid Thymoma

Thymoma, Epithelial

Well Differentiated Thymic Carcinoma

Thymoma, Type B3

Large Cell Acanthoma
Interstitial Pneumonitis, Desquamative, Familial

Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonia


Pneumonitis, Desquamative Interstitial, Familial

Pneumonia, Desquamative Interstitial, Familial

Interstitial Lung Disease, Desquamative

Ild, Desquamative

Familial Desquamative Interstitial Pneumonitis


Respiratory Bronchiolitis-Associated Interstitial Lung Disease

Respiratory Bronchiolitis Associated Interstitial Lung Disease

Keratosis, Seborrheic

Seborrheic Keratosis

Keratosis, Seborrheic, Somatic

Basal Cell Papilloma

Keratosis Seborrheica


Frontal Sinus Benign Neoplasm

Neoplasm Of Frontal Sinus

Tumor Of The Frontal Sinus

Lichen Disease
Chronic Laryngitis
Cortical Thymoma

Polygonal Cell Thymoma

Thymoma, Cortical

Thymoma, Type B2

Connective Tissue Benign Neoplasm

Soft Tissue Neoplasms

Mesenchymal Tissue Neoplasm

Neoplasm Of Soft Tissue

Neoplasm Of Soft Tissues

Soft Tissue Benign Neoplasm

Tumor Of The Soft Tissue

Soft Tissue Neoplasm

Geographic Tongue

Benign Migratory Glossitis

Glossitis Areata Exfoliativa

Glossitis, Benign Migratory

Pityriasis Linguae

Ectopic Geographic Tongue

Erythema Migrans

Erythema Chronicum Migrans

Benign Migrating Glossitis

Geographical Tongue

Lingua Geographica

Erythema Migrans Of Tongue

Wandering Rash Of Tongue

Lepromatous Leprosy

Leprosy, Lepromatous

Type L Leprosy

Leprosy Lepromatous

Beach Ear

Acute Swimmer'S Ear

Acute Bacterial Inflammation Of External Ear

Acute Otitis Externa, Diffuse

Acute Swimmers' Ear

Tank Ear

Mite Infestation

Mite Infestations


Infestation By Mites Nos

Leprosy 3


Leprosy, Susceptibility To, 3

Hansen'S Disease

Leprosy, Susceptibility To

Hansen Disease

Infection Due To Mycobacterium Leprae


Leprosy, Type 3

Anaesthesia Leprosy

Anaesthetic Leprosy

Maculoanaesthetic Leprosy

Macular Leprosy

Leprosy Unspecified

Balloon Cell Malignant Melanoma
Vulvar Proximal-Type Epithelioid Sarcoma
Central Epithelioid Sarcoma

Proximal-Type Epithelioid Sarcoma

Diencephalic Astrocytoma

Astrocytoma Of Diencephalon

T-Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia

T Cell Prolymphocytic Leukemia

Prolymphocytic Leukemia, T-Cell Type


T-Cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Lymphocytic Leukemia T-Cell Chronic


Leukemia, T-Cell, Chronic

Prolymphocytic Leukaemia Of T-Cell Type Without Mention Of Remission

Hypersensitivity Reaction Type Iv Disease

Immunoproliferative Disorders

Immunoproliferative Disease

Thymus Gland Disease

Disease Of Thymus Gland

Thymus Cancer

Thymic Neoplasm

Thymic Tumor

Thymus Neoplasm

Thymus Neoplasms

Malignant Neoplasm Of Thymus

Neoplasm Of Thymus

Thymic Neoplasms

Thymoma, Familial

Thymic Carcinoma

Thymoma, Type C

Cancer Of Thymus

Malignant Tumour Of Thymus

Primary Malignant Neoplasm Of Thymus

Thymic Glandular Cancer

Thymus Gland Cancer

Nodular Tenosynovitis

Synovioma, Benign

Benign Synovioma

Benign Tumor Of Synovium

Localized Giant Cell Tumor Of Tenosynovium

Giant Cell Tumor Of Tendon Sheath

Skin Disease

Skin Diseases


Abnormality Of The Skin

Skin Diseases, Genetic

Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue Disease

Dermatologic Disorders

Meningioma, Familial


Familial Meningioma

Meningioma, Familial, Susceptibility To

Meningeal Neoplasm

Meningeal Neoplasms


Meningioma, Nf2-Related, Somatic

Meningioma, Sis-Related

Meningothelial Cell Tumor

Neoplasm Of The Meninges

Primary Meningeal Tumor

Familial Multiple Meningioma


Meningioma, Benign, No Icd-O Subtype

Intracranial Meningioma

Meningothelial Cell Neoplasm

Supratentorial Meningioma

Primary Neoplasm Of Spinal Meninges

Benign Intracranial Meningioma

Benign Meningioma

Meningeal Tumours

Meningeal Sarcoma Of Unspecified Site

Meningothelial Sarcoma Of Unspecified Site

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Macaca mulatta CD1B NCBI NCBI:718955