1. Academic Validation
  2. RS 30026: a potent and effective calcium channel agonist

RS 30026: a potent and effective calcium channel agonist

  • Br J Pharmacol. 1990 Apr;99(4):687-94. doi: 10.1111/j.1476-5381.1990.tb12990.x.
L Patmore 1 G P Duncan B Clarke A J Anderson R Greenhouse J R Pfister


  • 1 Department of Pharmacology, Syntex Research Centre, Riccarton, Edinburgh.

1. A series of dihydropyridine derivatives has been evaluated for Calcium Channel agonist activity using reversal of nisoldipine-induced inhibition of beating of aggregates of embryonic chick myocytes. This test appears to be specific for Calcium Channel agonists since isoprenaline and cardiac glycosides are inactive. 2. RS 30026 was the most potent of the series, was significantly more potent than CGP 28392 and of similar potency to Bay K 8644 (pEC50 = 7.45, 6.16 and 7.20, respectively). RS 30026 increased edge movement of individual aggregates, in the absence of nisoldipine, by 50% at 2 nM. 3. Compounds were also evaluated for their effects on guinea-pig papillary muscle and porcine coronary artery rings. RS 30026 displayed positive inotropism at concentrations between 10(-9) and 10(-6) M (pEC200 = 8.21), but was a much more powerful inotrope than Bay K 8644, increasing contractility to 1300% of control at 10(-6) M (compared to 350% of control for Bay K 8644). RS 30026 caused vasoconstriction at concentrations between 10(-10) and 10(-7) M. 4. Calcium Channel currents in single embryonic chick myocytes were recorded by whole-cell voltage clamp techniques. RS 30026 (100 nM-500 nM) produced large increases in peak current amplitude and shifted the voltage for threshold and maximal currents to more negative values. RS 30026 (500 nM) also produced large increases in the inward tail currents evoked upon repolarization. The effects of Bay K 8644 (50 and 500 nM) were much less marked. 5. Analysis of the activation characteristics of currents showed parallel shifts in the activation curve to more negative potentials in the presence of 50 nm Bay K 8644, with a much smaller shift in the presence of 500nm Bay K 8644. RS 30026 (100 and 500nM) caused concentration-dependent shifts in the activation of the Calcium Channel currents with an increase of the slope of the curve. 6. RS 30026 appears to be the most potent and effective Calcium Channel agonist described to date.
