1. Academic Validation
  2. Maxadilan, a PAC1 receptor agonist from sand flies

Maxadilan, a PAC1 receptor agonist from sand flies

  • Peptides. 2007 Sep;28(9):1651-4. doi: 10.1016/j.peptides.2007.06.021.
Ethan A Lerner 1 Aurel O Iuga Vemuri B Reddy


  • 1 Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Department of Dermatology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States. ethan.lerner@cbrc2.mgh.harvard.edu

In 1991, a potent 61 amino acid vasodilator peptide, named maxadilan, was isolated from the salivary glands of the sand fly. Subsequently, it was shown that this peptide specifically and potently activated the mammalian PAC1 receptor, one of the three receptors for PACAP. These studies and the link between maxadilan and leishmaniasis are discussed.
