1. Signaling Pathways
  2. Cell Cycle/DNA Damage
  3. CDK


Cyclin dependent kinase

CDKs (Cyclin-dependent kinases) are serine-threonine kinases first discovered for their role in regulating the cell cycle. They are also involved in regulating transcription, mRNA processing, and the differentiation of nerve cells. CDKs are relatively small proteins, with molecular weights ranging from 34 to 40 kDa, and contain little more than the kinase domain. In fact, yeast cells can proliferate normally when their CDK gene has been replaced with the homologous human gene. By definition, a CDK binds a regulatory protein called a cyclin. Without cyclin, CDK has little kinase activity; only the cyclin-CDK complex is an active kinase.

There are around 20 Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK1-20) known till date. CDK1, 4 and 5 are involved in cell cycle, and CDK 7, 8, 9 and 11 are associated with transcription.

CDK levels remain relatively constant throughout the cell cycle and most regulation is post-translational. Most knowledge of CDK structure and function is based on CDKs of S. pombe (Cdc2), S. cerevisia (CDC28), and vertebrates (CDC2 and CDK2). The four major mechanisms of CDK regulation are cyclin binding, CAK phosphorylation, regulatory inhibitory phosphorylation, and binding of CDK inhibitory subunits (CKIs).

Cat. No. Product Name Effect Purity Chemical Structure
  • HY-10006
    Flavopiridol Hydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.73%
    Flavopiridol Hydrochloride (Alvocidib Hydrochloride) is a broad inhibitor of CDK, competing with ATP to inhibit CDKs including CDK1, CDK2, CDK4 with IC50s of 30, 170, 100 nM, respectively.
    Flavopiridol Hydrochloride
  • HY-10012
    Inhibitor 99.85%
    AZD-5438 is a potent CDK1, CDK2, and CDK9 inhibitor, with IC50s of 16 nM, 6 nM, and 20 nM in cell-free assays, respectively. AZD-5438 shows less inhibition activity against GSK3β, CDK5 and CDK6 .
  • HY-141680
    Inhibitor 99.33%
    CPS2 is a first-in-class, highly potent, selective and irreversible PROTAC CDK2 degrader (IC50= 24 nM). CPS2 can be used for the research of acute myeloid leukemia.
  • HY-139039
    Inhibitor 98.73%
    BSJ-4-116 is a PROTAC connected by ligands for Cereblon and CDK. BSJ-4-116 is a highly potent and selective CDK12 degrader (PROTAC) with an IC50 of 6 nM. BSJ-4-116 downregulates DDR genes through a premature termination of transcription, primarily through increasing poly(adenylation). BSJ-4-116 exhibits potent antiproliferative effects, alone and in combination with the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor Olaparib (HY-10162).
  • HY-120350
    Inhibitor 99.84%
    BI-1347 is an orally active, selective and potent CDK8 inhibitor (IC50=1.1 nM). BI-1347 shows anti-tumoral activity.
  • HY-130665
    Inhibitor 99.63%
    TL12-186 is a Cereblon-dependent multi-kinase PROTAC degrader. Multi-kinases include CDK, BTK, FLT3, Aurora kinases, TEC, ULK, ITK, et al. TL12-186 inhibits CDK2/cyclin A (IC50=73 nM) and CDK9/cyclin T1 (IC50=55 nM).
  • HY-50767C
    Palbociclib hydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.93%
    Palbociclib (PD 0332991) hydrochloride is an orally active selective CDK4 and CDK6 inhibitor with IC50 values of 11 and 16 nM, respectively. Palbociclib hydrochloride has potent anti-proliferative activity and induces cell cycle arrest in cancer cells. Palbociclib hydrochloride can be used in the research of HR-positive and HER2-negative breast cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma.
    Palbociclib hydrochloride
  • HY-126675A
    Inhibitor 99.94%
    AS2863619 enables conversion of antigen-specific effector/memory T cells into Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells for the treatment of various immunological diseases. AS2863619 is a potent, orally active cyclin-dependent kinase 8 (CDK8) and CDK19 inhibitor with IC50s of 0.61 nM and 4.28 nM, respectively. STAT5 activation enhanced by AS2863619 inhibition of CDK8/19, which consequently activates the Foxp3 gene.
  • HY-162001
    Inhibitor 99.17%
    INX-315 is an orally active and selective CDK2 inhibitor that induces cell cycle arrest in the G1 phase. INX-315 reduces CDK2 substrate phosphorylation and inhibits tumor growth in a dose-dependent manner in xenograft mouse models. INX-315 may be used in cancer research.
  • HY-15338
    Inhibitor 99.55%
    TG003 is a potent inhibitor of Clk1/Sty; inhibits Clk1 and Clk4 with IC50 values of 20 and 15 nM, respectively.
  • HY-123937
    Inhibitor 99.16%
    THAL-SNS-032 is a selective CDK9 degrader PROTAC consisting of a CDK-binding SNS-032 ligand linked to a thalidomide derivative that binds the E3 ubiquitin ligase Cereblon (CRBN).
  • HY-15260A
    XL413 monohydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.72%
    XL413 (BMS-863233) hydrochloride is a potent, selective and ATP competitive inhibitor of Cdc7, with an IC50 of 3.4 nM, and also shows potent effect with IC50s of 215, 42 nM on CK2, PIM1, respectively, and an EC50 of 118 nM on pMCM.
    XL413 monohydrochloride
  • HY-15154
    NG 52
    Inhibitor 99.97%
    NG 52 is a potent, cell-permeable, selective, ATP-compatible and orally active Cdc28p and Pho85p kinase inhibitor with IC50s of 7 μM and 2 μM, respectively. NG 52 also inhibits the activity of phosphoglycerate kinase 1 (PGK1) with an IC50 of 2.5 μM. NG 52 is inactive against yeast kinases Kin28p, Srb10, and Cak1p.
    NG 52
  • HY-101467
    Inhibitor 99.20%
    Trilaciclib (G1T28) is an orally active CDK4/6 inhibitor with IC50 values of 1 nM and 4 nM for CDK4 and CDK6, respectively. . Trilaciclib can effectively inhibit tumor cell proliferation and reduce the hematological toxicity caused by chemotherapy. Trilaciclib attenuates apoptosis and myelosuppression induced by 5FU (HY-90006) chemotherapy.
  • HY-111556
    Inhibitor 98.12%
    BSJ-03-123 is a PROTAC connected by ligands for Cereblon and CDK as a potent and novel CDK6-selective small-molecule degrader.
  • HY-15339
    Inhibitor 99.90%
    CVT-313 (Cdk2 Inhibitor III) is a potent, selective, reversible, and ATP-competitive inhibitor of CDK2 with IC50 of 0.5 μM. CVT-313 inhibits CDC5L phosphorylation.
  • HY-144981
    Inhibitor 98.07%
    HQ461 is a molecular glue that promotes CDK12-DDB1 interaction to trigger cyclin K degradation. HQ461-mediated degradation of cyclin K impairs CDK12 function, resulting in decreased CDK12 substrate phosphorylation, downregulation of DNA damage response genes, and cell death.
  • HY-111388A
    SEL120-34A monohydrochloride
    Inhibitor 99.29%
    SEL120-34A monohydrochloride is an ATP-competitive and selective CDK8 inhibitor, inhibits kinase activities of CDK8/CycC and CDK19/CycC complexes with IC50s of 4.4 nM and 10.4 nM, respectively, with a Kd of 3 nM for CDK8. SEL120-34A monohydrochloride weakly inhibits CDK9 (calculated IC50=1070 nM), but shows no obvious activity against CDK1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 7. SEL120-34A monohydrochloride inhibits phosphorylation of STAT1 S727 and STAT5 S726. Has anti-tumor activity.
    SEL120-34A monohydrochloride
  • HY-101257
    Inhibitor 98.79%
    YKL-5-124 is a potent, selective, irreversible and covalent CDK7 inhibitor with IC50s of 53.5 nM and 9.7 nM for CDK7 and CDK7/Mat1/CycH, respectively. YKL-5-124 is >100-fold greater selective for CDK7 than CDK9 and CDK2, and inactive against CDK12 and CDK13. YKL-5-124 induces a strong cell-cycle arrest, inhibits E2F-driven gene expression, and exhibits little effect on RNA polymerase II phosphorylation status.
  • HY-115470
    Inhibitor 98.63%
    CLK-IN-T3 is a high potent, selective, and stable CDC-like kinase (CLK) inhibitor with IC50s of 0.67 nM, 15 nM, and 110 nM for CLK1, CLK2, and CLK3 protein kinases, respectively. CLK-IN-T3 has anti-cancer activity.
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