1. Gene
  2. OSBPL8 - oxysterol binding protein like 8 Gene

OSBPL8 - oxysterol binding protein like 8 Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as ORP8; MST120; OSBP10; MSTP120

Gene ID: 114882 | Gene type: protein coding

About OSBPL8

Cytogenetic location: 12q21.2 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 12:76,351,797-76,559,771 (from NCBI)

This gene has 18 transcripts (splice variants), 214 orthologues and 11 paralogues. Ubiquitous expression in kidney (RPKM 16.1), lymph node (RPKM 15.4) and 25 other tissues.


This gene encodes a member of a family of proteins containing an N-terminal pleckstrin homology domain and a highly conserved C-terminal oxysterol-binding protein-like sterol-binding domain. It binds mutliple lipid-containing molecules, including phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) and oxysterol, and promotes their exchange between the endoplasmic reticulum and the plasma membrane. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. [provided by RefSeq, Feb 2016]

OSBPL8 Products(5)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_001003712.2 NP_001003712.1 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 isoform b
NM_001319652.2 NP_001306581.1 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 isoform b
NM_001319653.2 NP_001306582.1 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 isoform c
NM_001319655.2 NP_001306584.1 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 isoform d
NM_020841.5 NP_065892.1 oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8 isoform a
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
  • Biological Process
  • Cellular Component
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables cholesterol binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
17428193 GOA
enables phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
enables phosphatidylserine binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
enables phosphatidylserine transfer activity IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
24424245 GOA
Biological Process GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
involved in fat cell differentiation IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
23028956 GOA
involved in negative regulation of sequestering of triglyceride IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
23028956 GOA
involved in phospholipid transport IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
Cellular Component GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
located in cortical endoplasmic reticulum IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
located in endoplasmic reticulum IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
26206935 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern

OSBPL8 Protein Structure


PH: PH domain (150 - 264)


Oxysterol_BP: Oxysterol-binding protein (407 - 748)

  • 0
  • 200
  • 400
  • 600
  • 800
  • 889 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

oxysterol-binding protein-related protein 8

OSBP-related protein 8

OSBPL8 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
OSBPL8 Q9BZF1 SPAG5 Homo sapiens Q96R06
OSBPL8 Q9BZF1 SPAG5 Homo sapiens Q96R06 24424245
OSBPL8 Q9BZF1 SPAG5 Homo sapiens Q96R06 24424245
OSBPL8 Q9BZF1 SPAG5 Homo sapiens Q96R06 24424245
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Lenz-Majewski Hyperostotic Dwarfism

Lenz-Majewski Syndrome

Lenz Majewski Hyperostotic Dwarfism


Hyperostotic Dwarfism Lenz-Majewski Type

Lenz-Majewski Hyperostotic Dysplasia

Multiple Congenital Anomalies, Intellectual Disability And Progressive Skeletal Sclerosis


Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Canis familiaris OSBPL8 VGNC VGNC:44158
Felis catus OSBPL8 VGNC VGNC:63983
Rattus norvegicus OSBPL8 RGD RGD:1561474
Macaca mulatta OSBPL8 VGNC VGNC:75630
Bos taurus OSBPL8 VGNC VGNC:32466
Mus musculus OSBPL8 MGD MGI:2443807