1. Gene
  2. ANAPC2 - anaphase promoting complex subunit 2 Gene

ANAPC2 - anaphase promoting complex subunit 2 Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as APC2

Gene ID: 29882 | Gene type: protein coding

About ANAPC2

Cytogenetic location: 9q34.3 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 9:137,174,784-137,188,560 (from NCBI)

This gene has 8 transcripts (splice variants), 200 orthologues and 7 paralogues. Ubiquitous expression in testis (RPKM 16.5), spleen (RPKM 12.2) and 25 other tissues.


A large protein complex, termed the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), or the cyclosome, promotes metaphase-anaphase transition by ubiquitinating its specific substrates such as mitotic cyclins and anaphase inhibitor, which are subsequently degraded by the 26S Proteasome. Biochemical studies have shown that the vertebrate APC contains eight subunits. The composition of the APC is highly conserved in organisms from yeast to humans. The product of this gene is a component of the complex and shares sequence similarity with a recently identified family of proteins called cullins, which may also be involved in ubiquitin-mediated degradation. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]

ANAPC2 Products(1)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_013366.4 NP_037498.1 anaphase-promoting complex subunit 2
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
  • Biological Process
  • Cellular Component
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
23708001 GOA
Biological Process GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
involved in anaphase-promoting complex-dependent catabolic process IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
29033132 GOA
involved in protein K11-linked ubiquitination IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
18485873 GOA
involved in protein K48-linked ubiquitination IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
29033132 GOA
involved in protein branched polyubiquitination IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
29033132 GOA
Cellular Component GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
part of anaphase-promoting complex IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
16364912 GOA
part of anaphase-promoting complex IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
27120157 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern

ANAPC2 Protein Structure


Cullin: Cullin family (359 - 734)


ANAPC2: Anaphase promoting complex (APC) subunit 2 (757 - 817)

  • 0
  • 200
  • 400
  • 600
  • 822 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

anaphase-promoting complex subunit 2

cyclosome subunit 2

ANAPC2 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 FBXO5 Homo sapiens Q9UKT4-1 26083744
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 FBXO5 Homo sapiens Q9UKT4-1
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 FBXO5 Homo sapiens Q9UKT4-1 26083744
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 MEOX1 Homo sapiens P50221 32296183
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 MEOX1 Homo sapiens P50221 32296183
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 WDR5 Homo sapiens P61964 32296183
ANAPC2 Q9UJX6 WDR5 Homo sapiens P61964 32296183
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Chondrodysplasia With Platyspondyly, Distinctive Brachydactyly, Hydrocephaly, And Microphthalmia

X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia, Chassaing-Lacombe Type

X-Linked Dominant Chondrodysplasia-Hydrocephaly-Microphthalmia Syndrome


Chondrodysplasia, With Platyspondyly, Distinctive Brachydactyly, Hydrocephaly, And Microphthalmia

Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 10


Bardet-Biedl Syndrome


Bardet-Biedl Syndrome, Type 10

Melnick-Needles Syndrome


Melnick-Needles Osteodysplasty

Osteodysplasty Of Melnick And Needles


Mosaic Variegated Aneuploidy Syndrome

Warburton-Anyane-Yeboa Syndrome

Mva Syndrome

Mosaic Variegated Aneuplody Microcephaly Syndrome

Warburton Anyane Yeboa Syndrome

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Felis catus ANAPC2 VGNC VGNC:59775
Macaca mulatta ANAPC2 VGNC VGNC:69641
Mus musculus ANAPC2 MGD MGI:2139135
Bos taurus ANAPC2 VGNC VGNC:102815
Rattus norvegicus ANAPC2 RGD RGD:1305546
Canis familiaris ANAPC2 VGNC VGNC:37849