1. Gene
  2. SIK1 - salt inducible kinase 1 Gene

SIK1 - salt inducible kinase 1 Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as MSK; SIK; DEE30; SIK-1; SIK1B; SNF1LK

Gene ID: 150094 | Gene type: protein coding

About SIK1

Cytogenetic location: 21q22.3 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 21:43,414,483-43,427,131 (from NCBI)

This gene has 6 transcripts (splice variants), 236 orthologues, 17 paralogues and is associated with 5 phenotypes. Ubiquitous expression in adrenal (RPKM 28.1), liver (RPKM 25.6) and 25 other tissues.


This gene encodes a serine/threonine protein kinase that contains a ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domain. The encoded protein is a member of the adenosine monophosphate-activated kinase (AMPK) subfamily of kinases that play a role in conserved signal transduction pathways. A mutation in this gene is associated with early infantile epileptic encephalopathy 30. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2016]

SIK1 Products(2)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_173354.5 NP_775490.2 serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK1
XM_011529474.3 XP_011527776.1 serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK1 isoform X1
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
  • Biological Process
  • Cellular Component
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables 14-3-3 protein binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
18348280 GOA
enables ATP binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
14976552 GOA
enables magnesium ion binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
14976552 GOA
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
16306228 GOA
enables protein kinase binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
18348280 GOA
enables protein serine/threonine kinase activity IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
14976552 GOA
Biological Process GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
involved in intracellular signal transduction IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
14976552 GOA
involved in positive regulation of anoikis IMP
IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype
19622832 GOA
involved in protein autophosphorylation IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
18348280 GOA
involved in protein phosphorylation IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
14976552 GOA
Cellular Component GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
located in cytoplasm IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
16306228 GOA
located in nucleus IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
16306228 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern

SIK1 Protein Structure


Pkinase: Protein kinase domain (27 - 278)

  • 0
  • 200
  • 400
  • 600
  • 783 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names

serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK1

Probable serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK1B

SNF1-like kinase

Salt-inducible kinase 1B

myocardial SNF1-like kinase

salt-inducible protein kinase 1

serine/threonine-protein kinase SNF1-like kinase 1

serine/threonine-protein kinase SNF1LK

SIK1 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
SIK1 P57059 YWHAZ Homo sapiens P63104
SIK1 P57059 YWHAZ Homo sapiens P63104 32707033
SIK1 P57059 YWHAE Homo sapiens P62258
SIK1 P57059 YWHAE Homo sapiens P62258 32707033
SIK1 P57059 YWHAE Homo sapiens P62258 36931259
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Speech And Communication Disorders

Language Disorder

Communication Disorder

Language Disorders

Communication Disorders

Speech Language Disorder

Speech-Language Disorder

Communication Impairment

Speech And Language Disorder

Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy 30


Epileptic Encephalopathy, Early Infantile, 30


Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy, 30

Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 30

Encephalopathy, Epileptic, Early Infantile, Type 30

Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy

Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy With Suppression Bursts

Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy With Burst-Suppression


Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy With Suppression-Bursts

Ohtahara Syndrome

Encephalopathy, Epileptic, Early Infantile

Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy

Myoclonic Epilepsy

Myoclonic Seizure

Epilepsies, Myoclonic

Epileptic Seizures - Myoclonic

Epileptic Seizures, Myoclonic

Myoclonia Epileptica

Myoclonic Seizure Disorder

Early Myoclonic Encephalopathy With Suppression-Bursts

West Syndrome

Infantile Spasms

Infantile Spasms Syndrome

Infantile Spasm

X-Linked Infantile Spasm Syndrome

X-Linked Infantile Spasms

Epileptic Encephalopathy, Early Infantile, 1


Tonic Spasms With Clustering, Arrest Of Psychomotor Development And Hypsarrhythmia On Eeg

West'S Syndrome

Spasms, Infantile

Is -[Infantile Spasm]

Salaam Spasm

Salaam Tic

Developmental And Epileptic Encephalopathy

Encephalopathy, Developmental And Epileptic

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Rattus norvegicus SIK1 RGD RGD:69407
Mus musculus SIK1 MGD MGI:104754