1. Gene
  2. GYG1 - glycogenin 1 Gene

GYG1 - glycogenin 1 Gene

Homo sapiens

Also known as GYG; GSD15

Gene ID: 2992 | Gene type: protein coding

About GYG1

Cytogenetic location: 3q24 Genomic coordinates (GRCh38): 3:148,991,540-149,031,775 (from NCBI)

This gene has 14 transcripts (splice variants), 278 orthologues, 1 paralogue and is associated with 4 phenotypes. Broad expression in bone marrow (RPKM 53.8), testis (RPKM 49.1) and 25 other tissues.


This gene encodes a member of the glycogenin family. Glycogenin is a Glycosyltransferase that catalyzes the formation of a short glucose polymer from uridine diphosphate glucose in an autoglucosylation reaction. This reaction is followed by elongation and branching of the polymer, catalyzed by glycogen synthase and branching Enzyme, to form glycogen. This gene is expressed in muscle and Other tissues. Mutations in this gene result in glycogen storage disease XV. This gene has pseudogenes on chromosomes 1, 8 and 13 respectively. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been identified.[provided by RefSeq, Sep 2010]

GYG1 Products(3)

mRNA Protein Name
NM_001184720.2 NP_001171649.1 glycogenin-1 isoform 2
NM_001184721.2 NP_001171650.1 glycogenin-1 isoform 3
NM_004130.4 NP_004121.2 glycogenin-1 isoform 1
Gene Ontology
  • Molecular Function
  • Biological Process
Molecular Function GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
enables glycogenin glucosyltransferase activity EXP
EXP: Inferred from Experiment
20357282 GOA
enables glycogenin glucosyltransferase activity IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
22160680 GOA
enables manganese ion binding IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
22160680 GOA
enables protein binding IPI
IPI: Inferred from physical interaction
16189514 GOA
enables protein homodimerization activity IDA
IDA: Inferred from direct assay
22160680 GOA
Biological Process GO Annotation Evidence Reference Source
involved in glycogen biosynthetic process IMP
IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype
22160680 GOA
EXP: Inferred from Experiment IDA: Inferred from direct assay IPI: Inferred from physical interaction IMP: Inferred from mutant phenotype IGI: Inferred from genetic interaction IEP: Inferred from expression pattern

GYG1 Protein Structure


Glyco_transf_8: Glycosyl transferase family 8 (7 - 223)

  • 0
  • 100
  • 200
  • 300
  • 350 a.a.
Protein Preferred Names Protein Names



GYG1 Protein-protein interaction Information

Protein Name Protein ID Interactor Interactor Species Interactor ID Detection Method Reference
GYG1 P46976 GYS1 Homo sapiens P13807 17055998
GYG1 P46976 GYS1 Homo sapiens P13807 35271311
GYG1 P46976 GYS1 Homo sapiens P13807 25416956
GYG1 P46976 GYS1 Homo sapiens P13807 16189514
Cross: Cross-species interaction Intra: Intraspecies interaction

Related Diseases

Diseases Alias
Glycogen Storage Disease Xv


Gsd Xv

Glycogenin Deficiency

Gyg1 Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease Type Xv

Glycogen Storage Disease With Severe Cardiomyopathy Due To Glycogenin Deficiency

Gsd Type 15

Gsd Type Xv

Gsd With Severe Cardiomyopathy Due To Glycogenin Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 15

Glycogenosis Type 15

Glycogenosis Type Xv

Glycogenosis With Severe Cardiomyopathy Due To Glycogenin Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease 15

Storage Disease, Glycogen, Type Xv

Polyglucosan Body Myopathy 2

Polyglucosan Body Myopathy Type 2


Myopathy, Polyglucosan Body, Type 2

Glycogen Storage Disease




Storage Disease, Glycogen

Gsd - [Glycogen Storage Disease]

Glycogen Thesaurismosis

Diffuse Glycogenosis

Generalised Glycogen Storage Disease

Generalised Glycogenosis

Generalised Glycogen Storage Disease Of Infants

Glycogen Synthase Deficiency

Myoclonic Epilepsy Of Lafora

Lafora Disease

Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 2b



Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 2a


Lafora'S Disease

Lafora Body Disease


Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic, 2a

Lafora Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy

Epilepsy Progressive Myoclonic 2

Lafora Body Disorder

Pme Type 2

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Type 2

Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy Type 2

Epilepsy, Progressive Myoclonic 2



Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy 2

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy 2a

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy 2b

Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Lafora Type

Epilepsy, Myoclonic, Of Lafora

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 0

Glycogen Synthase Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease 0

Glycogen Synthetase Deficiency

Gsd 0

Gsd Type 0

Hypoglycemia With Deficiency Of Glycogen Synthetase

Glycogen Storage Disease Vi

Glycogen Storage Disease Type Vi

Hers Disease


Gsd Vi

Hepatic Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency

Phosphorylase Deficiency Glycogen-Storage Disease Of Liver

Hers' Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 6

Glycogen Storage Disease 6

Gsd Type Vi

Glycogenosis Type Vi

Glycogen Storage Disease, Type Vi

Hepatophosphorylase Deficiency Glycogenosis

Liver Phosphorylase Deficiency Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency

Gsd Due To Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency

Gsd Type 6

Glycogenosis Due To Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency

Glycogenosis Type 6

Hepatic Phosphorylase Deficiency

Liver Glycogen Phosphorylase Deficiency


Glycogen Storage Disease Vib


Liver Phosphorylase Deficiency

Storage Disease, Glycogen, Type Vi

Glycogen Storage Disease Iii

Glycogen Storage Disease Type Iii

Forbes Disease

Cori Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Iiia

Amylo-1,6-Glucosidase Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease Iiib

Limit Dextrinosis


Agl Deficiency

Glycogen Debrancher Deficiency

Gde Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease Iiic

Debrancher Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 3

Glycogenosis Type Iii

Glycogen Storage Disease Iiid

Amylo 1,6 Glucosidase Deficiency

Deficiency Of Debranching Enzyme

Deficiency Of Dextrin

Glycogen Storage Disease, Type Iii

Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Deficiency

Cori'S Disease

Gsd Iii

Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Deficiency

Cori-Forbes Disease

Gsd Due To Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Deficiency

Gsd Type 3


Glycogenosis Due To Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Deficiency

Glycogenosis Type 3

Glycogen Storage Disease 3

Glycogen Debranching Enzyme Deficiency


Gsd Iiia

Gsd Iiib

Gsd Iiic

Gsd Iiid

Storage Disease, Glycogen, Type Iii


Muscular Diseases


Progressive Myoclonus Epilepsy


Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy

Myoclonic Epilepsies, Progressive

Unverricht-Lundborg Syndrome

Glycogen Storage Disease Ia

Von Gierke Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type I

Glycogen Storage Disease I

Hepatorenal Form Of Glycogen Storage Disease

Hepatorenal Glycogenosis

Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency

Glycogen Storage Disease, Type I

Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency Type Ia



Von Gierke'S Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 1a

Glycogen Storage Disease 1a

Glucose-6-Phosphate Transport Defect

Gsd Ia

Deficiency Of Glucose-6-Phosphatase

Glycogenosis Type I

Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency Glycogen Storage Disease

Glycogenosis Type 1

Glucose-6-Phosphate Deficiency

Gsd I

Gsd Type I

G6p Deficiency Type 1a

Gsd Due To G6p Deficiency Type 1a

Gsd Due To G6p Deficiency Type Ia

Gsd Type 1a


Glycogen Storage Disease Due To G6p Deficiency Type Ia

Glycogenosis Due To Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency Type 1a

Glycogenosis Due To Glucose-6-Phosphatase Deficiency Type Ia

Glycogenosis Type Ia


Storage Disease, Glycogen, Type 1a

Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ia

Glycogen Storage Disease Ii

Pompe Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type Ii

Acid Maltase Deficiency

Gsd Ii

Gaa Deficiency

Alpha-1,4-Glucosidase Deficiency

Glycogenosis Type Ii


Acid Alpha-Glucosidase Deficiency


Glycogen Storage Disease, Type Ii

Pompe'S Disease

Glycogen Storage Disease Type 2

Cardiomegalia Glycogenica Diffusa

Acid Maltase Deficiency Disease

Deficiency Of Alpha-Glucosidase

Glycogenosis, Generalized, Cardiac Form

Deficiency Of Glucoamylase

Deficiency Of Maltase

Generalized Glycogenosis

Glycogenosis, Type 2

Lysosomal Alpha-1,4-Glucosidase Deficiency

Glucosidase Acid-1,4-Alpha Deficiency

Aglucosidase Alfa

Deficiency Of Lysosomal Alpha-Glucosidase

Glycogen Storage Disease Due To Acid Maltase Deficiency

Alpha-1,4-Glucosidase Acid Deficiency

Gsd Due To Acid Maltase Deficiency

Gsd Type 2

Gsd Type Ii

Glycogenosis Due To Acid Maltase Deficiency

Glycogenosis Type 2

Glycogen Storage Disease 2

Cardiomegalia Glycogenica

Glycogenosis Generalized Cardiac Form

Glycogenosis Ii


Storage Disease, Glycogen, Type Ii

Generalized Glycogen Storage Disease Of Infants

Cardiac Form Of Generalized Glycogenosis

Isolated Elevated Serum Creatine Phosphokinase Levels

Elevated Serum Cpk

Idiopathic Hyperckemia

Isolated Hyperckemia

Elevated Serum Creatine Phosphokinase


Idiopathic Persistent Elevation Of Serum Creatine Kinase

Diseases Alias
Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Waldenstroem'S Macroglobulinemia

Macroglobulinemia Of Waldenstrom

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma With Igm Gammopathy

Lymphoplasmacytic Lymphoma

Orthologs Information

Species Symbol Source ID
Canis familiaris GYG1 VGNC VGNC:41572
Mus musculus GYG1 MGD MGI:1351614
Bos taurus GYG1 VGNC VGNC:29728
Macaca mulatta GYG1 VGNC VGNC:73332
Felis catus GYG1 VGNC VGNC:67521
Rattus norvegicus GYG1 RGD RGD:621785