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Results for "

CD8 T cells

" in MedChemExpress (MCE) Product Catalog:


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Cat. No. Product Name Target Research Area
  • HY-P2511

    Peptides Metabolic Disease
    Insulin β Chain Peptide (15-23) is one of the earliest antigenic epitopes to which CD8 T-cells respond .
  • HY-P10581A

    Peptides Inflammation/Immunology
    SIIVFEKL TFA is a variant of the major MHC class I-restricted epitope SIINFEKL. SIIVFEKL TFA is an antigenic peptide, that can stimulate specific T cells in experimental settings to study the competitive interaction between T cells. SIIVFEKL TFA exhibits low affinity for the OT-I T cell receptor (TCR), and can be used for detection of CD8+ T cells .
  • HY-P10582A

    Peptides Inflammation/Immunology
    SIYNFEKL TFA is a variant of major MHC class I-restricted epitope SIINFEKL. SIYNFEKL TFA is an antigenic peptide, that can stimulate specific T cells in experimental settings to study the competitive interaction between T cell. SIYNFEKL TFA exhibits low affinity for the OT-I T cell receptor (TCR), and can be used for detection of CD8+ T cells .
  • HY-P5745

    Peptides Cancer
    TYVPANASL is a MHC I-binding CD8 T cell epitope of nine amino acids from HER2/neu. TYVPANASL can be used to prepare J-LEAPS vaccine .
  • HY-P5745A

    Peptides Cancer
    TYVPANASL TFA is a MHC I-binding CD8 T cell epitope of nine amino acids from HER2/neu. TYVPANASL TFA can be used to prepare J-LEAPS vaccine .
  • HY-P4628

    LRH-1 peptide

    Peptides Inflammation/Immunology
    TPNQRQNVC is a nonapeptide and is the epitope of HLA-B0702. TPNQRQNVC induces a CD8+ T cell immune response .
  • HY-P5442

    Peptides Others
    MOG (44-54), mouse, human, rat is a biological active peptide. (minimal binding epitope for the CD8 + MOG‐specific T cell)
  • HY-P10535

    Peptides Others
    The AAV-8 NSL epitope is a specific CD8+ T cell epitope identified from the capsid of an adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotype 8. The AAV-8 NSL epitope has a high affinity for MHC I molecules and is able to bind to MHC I molecules, thereby activating CD8+ T cells. The AAV-8 NSL epitope can be used to study the impact of T cell-mediated immune responses on AAV-mediated gene transfer .
  • HY-P5496

    Peptides Others
    AAV2 Epitope is a biological active peptide. (This peptide is the capsid derived immunodominant adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV2), CD8 T cell epitope. Liver toxicity observed in a clinical trial of AAV2 delivered systemically to patients with hemophilia was ascribed to killing of vector-transduced hepatocytes by capsid-specific T-cells.)
  • HY-P5453

    Peptides Others
    CFP10 (71–85) is a biological active peptide. (CFP1071–85, that elicited IFN-γ production and CTL activity by both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from persons expressing multiple MHC class II and class I molecules)
  • HY-P10593

    Peptides Cancer
    Influenza A NP (383-391) (HLA-B27) is a peptide sequence derived from tetanus toxin. Influenza A NP (383-391) (HLA-B27) is a broadly immunogenic CD4+ T helper cell epitope that enhances CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Influenza A NP (383-391) (HLA-B27) can be used in breast cancer research .
  • HY-P10662

    Peptides Infection Inflammation/Immunology
    HLA-B*0801-binding EBV peptide is an Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) epitope FLRGRAYGL. HLA-B*0801-binding EBV peptide can bind to the HLA-B*0801 molecule. HLA-B*0801-binding EBV peptide can be presented to CD8+ T cells through HLA-B*0801 to activate a specific immune response .
  • HY-P10497

    Peptides Others
    EBV BZLF1 (190-197) is an immunodominant CEF-controlling peptide derived from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). EBV BZLF1 (190-197) is a suitable epitope for CD8+ T cells to stimulate the release of IFNg. CTL responses to EBV BZLF1 (190-197) are diverse and cross-recognize similar peptides from both host self-proteins and bacterial proteins. EBV BZLF1 (190-197) can be used to study autoimmune diseases .
  • HY-P10509

    Peptides Infection
    IE1 peptide refers to an antigenic peptide encoded by the immediate early (IE) gene of mouse cytomegalovirus (mCMV). IE1 peptide is one of the key antigenic peptides expressed during mCMV infection, plays a role in transcriptional activation in the life cycle of mCMV, and is one of the earliest genes expressed in the viral replication cycle. IE1 peptide is an important target for CD8+ T cell response and can be used to study the host immune response to mCMV infection .
  • HY-P3070

    Peptides Infection Others
    H2-D b restricted epitopes VSV Nucleoprotein (52-59) is a 9-mer peptide derived from the nucleoprotein of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV). H2-D b restricted epitopes VSV Nucleoprotein (52-59) binds to MHC class I molecules and presents itself to CD8+ T cells, thereby activating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), which can recognize and kill cells expressing the corresponding antigen. H2-D b restricted epitopes VSV Nucleoprotein (52-59) can be used in the development of CTL vaccines against Ebola virus .
  • HY-P10493

    Peptides Others Cancer
    NY-ESO-1 (157–165) peptide is a peptide fragment from NY-ESO-1 protein. NY-ESO-1 (157–165) peptide can activate the immune system, especially for HLA-A2 positive individuals, it can be recognized by CD8+ T cells, thus triggering an immune response. NY-ESO-1 (157–165) peptide is expressed in a variety of tumors and can be used as a target for tumor immunotherapy. NY-ESO-1 (157–165) peptide can be used in the study of cancer immunotherapy .
  • HY-P5502

    Peptides Others
    Influenza NP (311-325) is a biological active peptide. (This peptide is amino acids 311 to 325 fragment of the influenza virus nucleoprotein (NP). This bona fide MHC class II restricted epitope from influenza virus was used to study the host immunoresponse during the infection. This peptide elicits the strongest gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production in the intracellular cytokine assays. It does not stimulate CD8 T-cells in mice.Pyroglutamyl (pGlu) peptides may spontaneously form when either Glutamine (Q) or Glutamic acid (E) is located at the sequence N-terminus. The conversion of Q or E to pGlu is a natural occurrence and in general it is believed that the hydrophobic γ-lactam ring of pGlu may play a role in peptide stability against gastrointestinal proteases. Pyroglutamyl peptides are therefore considered a normal subset of such peptides and are included as part of the peptide purity during HPLC analysis.)

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