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Cat. No. Product Name
  • HY-L046
    1,662 compounds

    Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are a group of disorders of the heart and blood vessels which include coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral arterial disease, rheumatic heart disease, etc. CVDs are the number 1 cause of death globally. Smoking, unhealthy nutrition, aging population, lack of physical activity, arterial hypertension, or diabetes can promote cardiovascular disease like myocardial infarction or stroke. It is multifactorial and encompasses a multitude of mechanisms, such as eNOS uncoupling, reactive oxygen species formation, chronic inflammatory disorders and abnormal calcium homeostasis. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetes agents may reduce the cardiovascular disease risk.

    MCE supplies a unique collection of 1,662 compounds with confirmed anti-cardiovascular activity. These compounds mainly target metabolic enzyme, membrane transporter, ion channel, inflammation related signaling pathways. MCE Anti-Cardiovascular Disease Compound Library can be used for cardiovascular diseases related research and high throughput and high content screening for new drugs.

  • HY-L119
    235 compounds

    Potassium channels are the most widely distributed type of ion channel and are found in virtually all living organisms. There are four major classes of K channels: voltage-gated potassium channel, calcium-activated potassium channel, inwardly rectifying potassium channel and tandem pore domain potassium channel. There is growing evidence that dysfunction in potassium channels correlates with several diseases, such as chronic hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, etc.

    MCE Potassium Channel Compound Library consists of 235 potassium channel inhibitor and activators, which is a useful tool to discover drugs for cardiovascular diseases and potassium channel research.

  • HY-L117
    158 compounds

    Calcium channel blockers (CCBs), also called calcium antagonists are compounds that slow the movement of calcium (Ca2+) through calcium channels into the cells of the heart and blood vessel walls. Calcium causes the heart and arteries to squeeze more strongly. By blocking calcium, calcium channel blockers allow blood vessels to relax and open. So calcium channel blockers are usually used to lower blood pressure, relieve chest pain (angina) and control an irregular heartbeat.

    MCE supplies a unique collection of 158 calcium channel blockers and antagonists, all of which have the identified inhibitory effect on calcium channel. MCE Calcium Channel Blocker Library is a useful tool for discovery of antihypertensive drugs and cardiovascular disease research.

  • HY-L059
    1,352 compounds

    Programmed cell death pathways, including apoptosis, pyroptosis and necroptosis, are regulated by unique sets of host proteins that coordinate a variety of biological outcomes. Pyroptosis is a highly inflammatory form of programmed cell death that occurs most frequently upon infection with intracellular pathogens and is likely to form part of the antimicrobial response. This process promotes the rapid clearance of various bacterial, viral, fungal and protozoan infections by removing intracellular replication niches and enhancing the host's defensive responses. Pyroptosis has been widely studied in inflammatory and infection disease models. Recently, there are growing evidences that pyroptosis also plays an important role in the development of cancer, cardiovascular diseases and Metabolic disorder, etc.

    MCE designs a unique collection of 1,352 pyroptosis-related compounds mainly focusing on the key targets in the pyroptosis signaling pathway and can be used in the research of pyroptosis signal pathway and related diseases.

  • HY-L060
    1,348 compounds

    The cytoskeleton is responsible for contraction, cell motility, movement of organelles and vesicles through the cytoplasm, cytokinesis, intracellular signal transduction, and many other functions that are essential for cellular homeostasis and survival. It accomplishes these tasks through three basic structures: F-actin, microtubules, and intermediate filaments (IFs). The cytoskeleton is a dynamic structure where the three major filaments and tubules are under the influence of proteins that regulate their length, state of polymerization, and level of cross-linking. Since cytoskeleton is involved in virtually all cellular processes, cytoskeletal protein aberrations are the underlying reason for many pathological phenotypes, including several cardiovascular disease syndromes, neurodegeneration, cancer, liver cirrhosis, pulmonary fibrosis, and blistering skin diseases.

    MCE designs a unique collection of 1,348 cytoskeleton-related compounds mainly focusing on the key targets in the cytoskeleton signal pathway and can be used in the research of cytoskeleton signal pathway and related diseases.

  • HY-L088
    2,162 compounds

    Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels are formed from pre-existing vessels. It occurs in various physiological processes e.g. embryonic development, menstrual cycle, exercise and wound healing etc. Angiogenesis is regulated by both endogenous activators and inhibitors. Some key activators of angiogenesis include vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), angiogenin, TGF-β, etc. whereas angiogenesis inhibitors are angiostatin, endostatin, interferon, platelet factor 4, etc. The loss of balance between these opposing signals leads to life threatening diseases like cancer, cardiovascular and ischemic diseases etc. which are thus controlled by exogenous angiogenesis activators (for cardiovascular/ischemic disorders) and inhibitors (for cancer).

    MCE offers a unique collection of 2,162 compounds with validated angiogenesis targets modulating properties. MCE angiogenesis-related compound library is an effective tool for angiogenesis research and discovery of angiogenesis-related drugs.

  • HY-L155
    481 compounds

    Mitochondria, as the main place of energy supply in life, is essential to maintain normal life activities. Mitochondrial dysfunction is associated with common diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes and cancer. The heart, brain and liver rely heavily on mitochondrial function as the main organs for drug metabolism. In addition, mitochondria is also a target of many drugs, some of which induce organotoxicity by inducing mitochondrial toxicity.

    MCE contains 481 mitochondrial toxic compounds, which can be used as tool compounds for drug development and disease mechanism research.

  • HY-L097
    52 compounds

    Animal disease models are used in a variety of settings in basic research, such as studies on mechanisms of disease progression and evaluation new drugs. Animal models can be broadly classified into five categories: 1) experimental, 2) spontaneous, 3) negative, 4) orphan, 5) genetically engineered. Experimental models, which are induced artificially in the laboratory, are most common. Some small molecular compounds are usually used as inducers for animal models, such as Ceruletide for inflammatory model, Azoxymethane for tumor model. These inducers are useful tool in building animal models.

    MCE offers a unique collection of 52 animal model inducers, involving inflammatory model, tumor model, nervous disease model, etc. MCE Animal Disease Model library is a powerful tool for the establishment of animal disease models.

  • HY-L182
    292 compounds

    Fatty acids (FAs) are the main components of lipids. The synthesis of fatty acids mainly involves the Triglyceride (TG) cycle and De Novo Lipogenesis (DNL). Fatty acids which exist widely in organisms are components of cell membranes and play an indispensable role in cell signaling. In addition, FFAs can be taken up from circulating plasma by all mitochondria-containing cells, and they are metabolized by β-oxidation and the citric acid cycle to release large amounts of energy in the form of ATP. Abnormal fatty acid metabolism is associated with the occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, fatty liver, hyperthyroidism, and other diseases.

    MCE offers a unique collection of fatty acid compounds. Fatty Acids Compound Library is an important tool for the study of energy metabolism and drug development of metabolism-related diseases.

  • HY-L043
    1,430 compounds

    Lipids are a diverse and ubiquitous group of compounds which have many key biological functions, such as acting as structural components of cell membranes, serving as energy storage sources and participating in signaling pathways. Several studies suggest that bioactive lipids have effects on the treatment of some mental illnesses and metabolic syndrome. For example, DHA and EPA are important for monoaminergic neurotransmission, brain development and synaptic functioning, and are also correlated with a reduced risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease in clinical and animal studies.

    MCE supplies a unique collection of 1,430 lipid and lipid derivative related compounds including triglycerides, phospholipids, sphingolipids, steroids and their structural analogues or derivatives. MCE lipid compound library can be used for research in bioactive lipids, and high throughput screening (HTS) and high content screening (HCS).

  • HY-L146
    3,038 compounds

    Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms that maintain cell homeostasis. Metabolic pathways are enzyme-mediated biochemical reactions that lead to biosynthesis (anabolism) or breakdown (catabolism) of molecules including glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism and amino acid or protein metabolism within a cell or tissue. As catalysts, enzymes are crucial to metabolism as they allow a reaction to proceed more rapidly and tregulate the rate of a metabolic reaction. Due to the importance of metabolic balance in the organism, the abnormal function of metabolic enzymes often leads to the occurrence of a variety of metabolic diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, etc.

    MCE designs a unique collection of 3,038 metabolic enzymes related small molecules, which is an important tool for studying the metabolic activities of organisms and developing drugs for metabolic diseases.

  • HY-L134
    191 compounds

    Aging is an unavoidable process, leading to cell senescence due to physiochemical changes in an organism. Aging cells cease to divide and drive the progression of illness through various pathways, resulting in the death of an organism ultimately. Anti-aging activities are primarily involved in the therapies of age-related disorders such as Parkinson's Disease (PD), Alzheimer's Disease (AD), cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

    Natural products are known as effective molecules in anti-aging treatments, which delay the aging process through influencing several pathways and thus ensure an extended lifespan. MCE offers a unique collection of 191 natural products with validated anti-aging activity. MCE anti-aging natural product library is a useful tool for the study of aging-related diseases drugs and pharmacology.

  • HY-L116
    675 compounds

    MCE EMA-Approved Drug Library consists of 675 EMA-approved drugs with high pharmacological diversity. All drugs in this library have been completed extensive preclinical and clinical studies and have well-characterized bioactivities, safety and bioavailability properties. MCE EMA-Approved Drug Library is a useful tool for drug repurposing which could dramatically accelerate drug development.

  • HY-L090
    1,414 compounds

    Transcription is the essential first step in the conversion of the genetic information in the DNA into protein and the major point at which gene expression is controlled. Transcription of protein-coding genes is accomplished by the multi-subunit enzyme RNA polymerase II and an ensemble of ancillary proteins, called transcription factors (TFs). Transcription factors play an important role in the long-term regulation of cell growth, differentiation and responses to environmental cues. Deregulated transcription factors contribute to the pathogenesis of a plethora of human diseases, ranging from diabetes, inflammatory disorders and cardiovascular disease to many cancers, and thus these proteins hold great therapeutic potential.

    MCE offers a unique collection of 1,414 compounds with validated transcription factor targets modulating properties. MCE transcription factor-targeted compound library is an effective tool for researching transcription factors as drug targets as well as modulation of TFs for different therapeutic applications.

  • HY-L180
    595 compounds

    Mitochondrial autophagy refers to the selective encapsulation and degradation of damaged mitochondria by cells through the autophagy mechanism, thereby maintaining mitochondrial and cellular homeostasis. The concept of mitochondrial autophagy has received extensive attention since it was proposed. Current studies have shown that the mechanisms of mitochondrial autophagy can generally be divided into two categories: Ubiquitin-dependent pathways and Ub-independent pathways. In addition, mitochondrial autophagy is a research hotspot related to the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, metabolic diseases and other clinical diseases. Therefore, high-throughput screening based on mitochondrial autophagy can effectively screen out compounds that are closely related to the occurrence of diseases and analyze their mechanisms.

    MCE can provide a library of 595 mitophagy compounds, which can be used for drug development and mechanism research in cancer, immunity, infection and other hot research fields.

  • HY-L114
    1,105 compounds

    Inflammation promotes physiological and pathological processes by the activation of the immune system, local vascular system, and various cells within the damaged tissue. Accumulating epidemiological and clinical evidence shows that chronic inflammation is causally linked to various human diseases, including cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, joint, cutaneous, pulmonary, blood, liver, and intestinal diseases as well as diabetes.

    Various natural products from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) have been shown to safely suppress proinflammatory pathways and control inflammation-associated disease. MCE designs a unique collection of 1,105 Traditional Chinese Medicine active compounds with anti-inflammatory activity, which are derived from Coptis chinensis, Radix isatidis, Flos Lonicerae, Forsythia suspensa, etc. MCE Anti-inflammatory Traditional Chinese Medicine Active Compound Library is a useful tool for discovery anti-inflammatory drugs from TCM.

  • HY-L072
    48 compounds

    Exosomes are small membrane vesicles of endocytic origin that are secreted by most cells in culture. Exosomes contain nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, amino acids, and metabolites, etc. Their diverse constituents can reflect their cell of origin. Exosomes are associated with immune responses, viral pathogenicity, pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system-related diseases, and cancer progression. Proteins, metabolites, and nucleic acids delivered by exosomes into recipient cells effectively alter their biological response. Such exosome-mediated responses can be disease promoting or restraining.

    The biology of exosomes in disease is still emerging, and the number of studies addressing their utility in the diagnosis and treatment of various pathologies has increased substantially. MCE supplies a unique collection of 48 compounds with the activity of inhibiting or stimulating exsomes secretion/biosynthesis. MCE Exosomes Compound Library is a useful tool for exsomes research.

  • HY-L094
    1,991 compounds

    The health benefits deriving from the consumption of certain foods have been common knowledge. All foods are made up of chemical substances. Chemicals in foods are largely harmless and often desirable. At present, numerous researchers have been focused on the beneficial role played by certain food components in the close relationship between food intake and health status. For example, polyphenols, a common class of compounds among foods, are well-known antioxidants, which may play a role in the prevention of several diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and some types of cancer.

    MCE supplies a unique collection of 1,991 compounds from variety of foods. All compounds are with specific food source(s). MCE Food-Sourced Compound Library is the useful tool to discover molecules with pharmaceutical activity from foods.

  • HY-L078
    500 compounds

    Accumulating evidence has revealed that intestinal microbiota play an important role in human health and disease, including cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and depression, etc. Changes in the composition of gut microbiota associated with disease, referred to as dysbiosis, have been linked to pathologies. Indeed, the gut microbiome functions like an endocrine organ, generating bioactive metabolites which play important roles in human metabolism, health, and disease. Gut microbiome has become a novel therapeutic target for many diseases. Analysis and identification of gut microbial metabolite will contribute to the development of therapeutic methods.

    In order to meet the need of gut microbiome research, MCE carefully selected a unique collection of 500 gut microbial metabolites. MCE gut microbial metabolite library is a powerful tool for gut microbiome research and gut microbiome -related drug discovery.

  • HY-L191
    1,145 compounds

    Tibetan medicine, as one of the treasures of traditional Chinese medicine, carries the profound cultural heritage of the Tibetan people and their unique understanding of health. Tibet is the birthplace of Tibetan medicine, and its plateau climate and unique ecological environment have nurtured its rich medicinal resources. Among them, cordyceps, saffron and snow lily are favored by people for their excellent medicinal value and unique growth characteristics. Tibetan medicine, with its profound heritage, plays a crucial role in the management of diseases that are unique to high-altitude regions, such as altitude stress. It facilitates a swifter adaptation to high-altitude conditions and mitigates the symptoms of altitude sickness by meticulously recalibrating the internal environment within the human body. For rheumatic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc., Tibetan medicine has also shown its remarkable effect.

    MCE included 1,145 natural products from Tibetan medicine, including animal, plant and mineral sources.

  • HY-L012
    4,685 compounds

    Metabolism is the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions in organisms. Metabolic pathways are enzyme-mediated biochemical reactions that lead to biosynthesis (anabolism) or breakdown (catabolism) of natural product small molecules within a cell or tissue. Acting as catalysts, enzymes are crucial to metabolism - they allow a reaction to proceed more rapidly - and they also allow the regulation of the rate of a metabolic reaction. Proteases are used throughout an organism for various metabolic processes. Proteases control a great variety of physiological processes that are critical for life, including the immune response, cell cycle, cell death, wound healing, food digestion, and protein and organelle recycling. Imbalances in metabolic activities have been found to be critical in a number of pathologies, such as cardiovascular diseases, inflammation, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases.

    MCE designs a unique collection of 4,685 Metabolism/Protease-related small molecules that act as a useful tool for drug discovery of metabolism-related diseases.

  • HY-L145
    640 compounds

    The majority of hypertensive patients have primary (or essential) hypertension, that is, hypertension in which secondary causes are not present. Management aims to control arterial pressure, prevent end-organ damage (cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and renal), and reduce the risk of premature death.

    Antihypertensive drugs may be divided into two broad groups, the first group being those which directly or indirectly block the renin–angiotensin system (RAS), for example, ACEIs, angiotensin receptor antagonists (ARAs), direct renin inhibitors (DRIs), and to a lesser extent β-blockers. The second group of drugs works by increasing water and sodium excretion, thereby reducing intravascular volume, or by causing vasodilatation through non-RAS pathways, for example, diuretics and calcium channel blockers (CCBs).

    MCE offers a unique collection of 640 compounds with identified and potential antihypertensive activity. MCE Antihypertensive Compound Library is critical for antihypertensive drug discovery and development.

  • HY-L905
    4,963 compounds

    Historically, natural products (NPs) have played a key role in drug discovery, especially for cancer and infectious diseases, but also in other therapeutic areas, including cardiovascular diseases (for example, statins) and multiple sclerosis (for example, fingolimod). Approximately 40 % of the drugs approved by the FDA during the last decades were natural products, their derivatives, or synthetic mimetics related to natural products.

    MCE Natural Product-like Compound Library consists of 5,000 natural product-like compounds coming from a drug-like library. Each molecule contains scaffold of natural products or has a Tanimoto similarity coefficient greater than 0.6 with natural products, and natural-likeness scoring is more than -2. What’s more, compounds in the library are drug-like and readily available for re-supply, making it a powerful tool for new drug research and development. It can be widely applied in high-throughput screening (HTS) and high-content screening (HCS).

  • HY-L089
    960 compounds

    Mitochondria plays an important role in many vital processes in cells, including energy production, fatty-acid oxidation and the Tricarboxylic Acid (TCA) cycle, calcium signaling, permeability transition, apoptosis and heat production. At present, it is recognized that many diseases are associated with impaired mitochondrial function, such as increased accumulation of ROS and decreased OXPHOS and ATP production. Mitochondria are recognized as one of the most important targets for new drug design in cancer, cardiovascular, and neurological diseases, etc. Some small molecule drugs or biologics can act on mitochondria through various pathways, including ETC inhibition, OXPHOS uncoupling, mitochondrial Ca2+ modulation, and control of oxidative stress via decrease or increase of mitochondrial ROS accumulation.

    MCE supplies a unique collection of 960 mitochondria-targeted compound that mainly targeting Mitochondrial Metabolism, ATP Synthase, Mitophagy, Reactive Oxygen Species, etc. MCE Mitochondria-Targeted Compound Library is a useful tool for mitochondria-targeted drug discovery and related research.

  • HY-L004
    2,199 compounds

    DNA is prone to numerous forms of damage that can injure cells and impair fitness. Cells have developed an array of mechanisms to repair these injuries. Proliferating cells are especially vulnerable to DNA damage due to the added demands of cellular growth and division. Cell cycle checkpoints represent integral components of DNA repair that coordinate cooperation between the machinery of the cell cycle and several biochemical pathways that respond to damage and restore DNA structure. By delaying progression through the cell cycle, checkpoints provide more time for repair before the critical phases of DNA replication, when the genome is replicated, and of mitosis, when the genome is segregated. Loss or attenuation of checkpoint function may increase spontaneous and induced gene mutations and chromosomal aberrations by reducing the efficiency of DNA repair.

    MCE owns a unique collection of 2,199 cell cycle/DNA damage-related compounds which can be used in the research of the same.

  • HY-L193
    1,051 compounds

    Since ancient times, promoting blood circulation for removing blood stasis (PBCRBS) has been one of the most popular research contents in the area of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and integrated medicine. Rhizoma, Persicae Semen, Carthami Flos, Curcumae Longae Rhizoma and so on are common TCM with PBCRBS characteristic. Studies have shown that the mechanism of action of PBCRBS TCM is to promote blood circulation (improving cardiovascular and cerebrovascular functions, physical and chemical properties of blood, platelet and coagulation system and other physiological functions) and remove blood stasis (anti-myocardial ischemia, cerebral ischemia, inhibition of platelet aggregation, anti-coagulation, anti-thrombosis, etc.). Not only that, PBCRBS TCM has anti-infection, inhibit inflammation, regulate immune function, inhibit immune response, inhibit abnormal tissue proliferation and other functions. Therefore, PBCRBS TCM has high research value in all- field disease research fields.

    MCE can supply 1,051 monomer component from more than a hundred sources of PBCRBS TCM, which can be used in TCM studies, drug development and mechanism-based studies.

  • HY-L166
    1,190 compounds

    Ion channel is a membrane-binding enzyme whose catalytic site is an ion conduction pore, which is opened and closed in response to specific environmental stimuli (voltage, ligand concentration, membrane tension, temperature, etc.). Ion channel provide pores for the passive diffusion of ions on the biofilm. Due to their high selectivity for ion, ion channel are generally classified as sodium (Na+ ), potassium (K+ ), calcium (Ca2+ ), chloride (Cl- ), and non-specific cation channel. Ion channel is an important contributor to cell signal transduction and homeostasis. In addition to electrical signal transduction, ion channel also have many functions: regulating vascular smooth muscle contraction, maintaining normal cell volume, regulating glandular secretion, protein kinase activation, etc. Therefore, dysfunction of ion channel can lead to many diseases, and its mechanism research is particularly important.

    MCE designs a unique collection of 1,190 small molecules related to ion channel, mainly targeting Na+ channel, K+ channel, Ca2+ channel, GABA receptor, iGluR, etc. It is an essential tool for research of cardiovascular diseases, Nervous system diseases and other diseases.

  • HY-L194
    1,339 compounds

    Heat-clearing and detoxification is a specific treatment method in the research of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which is clinically used to treat infectious diseases with remarkable effect. Over the past decades, the research of heat-clearing and detoxification treatment has been one of the most active fields of combining traditional Chinese and western medicines, and has made remarkable achievements. Nowadays, the application field of heat-clearing and detoxification traditional Chinese medicine is not only limited to antibacterial and antiviral, but also has made progress in the research fields of anti-inflammatory reaction, anti-endotoxin, anti-peroxidative damage, anti-inflammatory cytokines, enhancement of immune function, protection of cellular organelles, and maintenance of calcium homeostasis. In addition to this, clearing heat and removing toxins has also made significant research progress in non-infectious diseases, for example, in tumors, cardiovascular diseases, renal diseases, blood diseases, geriatrics, and diabetes, all of which have shown good curative effect.

    MCE can supply 1,339 monomer component from more than a hundred sources of heat-clearing and detoxification TCM, which can be used in TCM studies, drug development and mechanism-based studies.

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